AP-Agenda and Homework Page 2015-16  - Dr. Gottfried

Revised Curriculum Framework Document from College Board - The most important document related to our course.  (You will need Adobe Reader to open this document).
You can find the schedule as well as lots of other stuff (some of it useful) in the Don't Panic Book.  (always a work in progress, but up-to-date as of June 2015).

ALL Email (HOMEWORK AND CONTACT!) address:  DrG.ATM@gmail.com

Annotated Web Links       

Shared Google Drive folder with previous FRQs and various handouts etc. (Google "Drive") - includes single  file with multiple vocabulary lists, the highlighted Table of Contents to Campbell etc.
The folder includes assignments/notes etc. from previous years.

REMIND -I encourage you to sign up for text/email reminders via Remind. 

My "sign in" page for AP Biology 2015-16  https://www.remind.com/join/drg-apb15   - enter your phone number.

OR- Either text @drg-apb15 to 81010 or email drg-apb15@mail.remind.com  

(You can sign up for both sms-texts and email.) Please sign up with your real name if it asks... Standard text rates apply. If you use the email option you can leave the subject and body of the message blank.

Get college reminds from Ms. Rodriguez
 Text 81010  





UPLOAD Files (if you can't email them)...this includes pictures:   



Do you want/need another grade?

I want to try something else new with quizlet. 

Competitive student made definitions!

Go to https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MhsKzV54Sl5slqn5-fiUJofaD37QzsoP3-siQowaNXY/edit?usp=sharing

There you will find a word list. Enter a definition (or more than one) in the definition column AND your name in the adjacent column.

If you can improve an existing definition (or have an entirely better one, put it in the next column (to the right), along with your name. Continue with the editing process with the definition/name columns to the right, improving the definitions.

Grades will be based on how many GOOD definitions you contribute to.

Because there are a limited number of words this becomes competitive and time limited. 

I will announce this in class on Tuesday 5/31, but, you can start now.

Update 5/11

The week of 5/10-12 will be study for APs and errands. 

What we do depended on the After AP survey (see below)

Required grades-based on the AP Exam

Due by 5/16:

    A-Exam/course advice to 2016-17
Must be emailed by 5/16
Mustn’t include your name in the text, but, must have it in the email (so you can get the grade)
I will compile into an advice package

Due by 5/20

    B-FRQ Analysis (after they are posted)
What you think you should have written/where were the points

Due by 5/20

    C-Based on the College Boards Learning Objectives-(list will be posted on the website) what did the MC cover

Direct link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mXW4XwPrNsM00SpVtGHXM1EVNnPR41GFvRoagFUPEOQ

Save the document (it is VERY long) with your name in the file name and put comments on as many of the Learning Objectives as you have something to comment on.  Then email me the revised document.

Due by 5/16:

    D-(This is optional) Exam/Course advice to Dr. G.
Based on the exam, what should I do more of/less of/differently for my students to be more successful

After the exam-The plan:

(Survey results:  Darkness comes upon the classrom - 4.1; Don't Panic 3.7; Human Autopsy Videos 3.34; What is Equality 3.29; Art1011 3.2)

5/16 - Don't Panic Video 

Optional assignment - review the video

5/18 - Autopsy video - Movement

Optional assignment - review the video

5/20 - Autopsy video - Circulation

Optional assignment - review the video

5/24 - Equality video

Optional assignment - review the video

5/26 - Darkness 

Optional assignment - review the presentation

5/31 - Art 101

Optional assignment - review the presentation

6/2 -  Autopsy video - Digestion

Optional assignment - review the video

Review Assignment 

Help each other...this will  be discussed in class on 4/26


Survey-After the AP Bio Exam (only one "vote" per ID number)  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1u2ovPh39gyE0SESTLnjnYSTJix3F_bJqN41viWijqTE

FYI-Finding out your scores....You will be able to log on to the College Board site after 7/8 to find out your score. I will (theoretically) be able to log in at 6 PM on 7/6, however, I will be in St. Petersburg at that time, and will probably not have internet access until the following week. 

Just discovered...review site- http://www.sciencemusicvideos.com/ Hangman style review, with explanations. 

Review Chat: I will be sitting at my computer to "chat" and answer any questions (that I can) on Sunday 5/1 from 3:00 PM - whenever AND Saturday 5/7 from 10:00 AM - whenever CHAT:  http://backchannelchat.com/chat/w3l2m 

Agenda and Homework updated 4/15/2016

4/18 Practice Test (review)

4/20 Numerical Problems, Chi Square, Hardy Weinberg, Water Potential etc.

4/22 Practice Test (review)



ALL GRADES for the 4th marking period from this point on will be in class review grades



            Mastering: Dynamic Study Modules

            Mastering chapter reviews

            Crash Course Biology

            Bozeman Biology

            Review Books


Agenda and Homework updated 4/8/2016

4/12 Examine plants; Review-photosynthesis, respiration

4/14 Practice Test (review)


The packet from ?el?. 18 pages of diagrams to interpret. Боже мой


Some of them, you may not even know or remember the vocabulary in the diagram.


This is the first real study guide for the AP EXAM.

While you can work together, you need to be clear on the answers yourself, and each of you needs to submit an answer set.

You do not need to print the diagrams. The entire assignment can be done in the cloud.

Due 4/11: Plant Structure and Function through Ecology and Behavioral Biology (the end)

Be neat and answer the questions either in your own document or on a printout of the question sheets.  We will go over a couple of the answers on 3/17, so that you will know what kind of answers I’m looking for.


FYI-I’m not as dumb as you think I am. Several of the answers in the answer sheet to the diagram packet are WRONG. If all you did was copy, without thinking, you didn’t do the job. It will come back to haunt you.

Due 4/11 (midnight) Mastering Biology Plants (38:1, 39:1,2,3)

Due 4/14 Seed germination and Light


ALL GRADES for the 4th marking period from this point on will be in class review grades



            Mastering: Dynamic Study Modules

            Mastering chapter reviews

            Crash Course Biology

            Bozeman Biology

            Review Books



In an attempt to get everything graded and entered into gradebook by Monday, I am not updating this agenda page until sometime Monday afternoon. 

You will want/need to bring a larger format device for Thursday.

There are no "new" assignments which will be collected 4/4-7, see below for older assignments that might be due.

Agenda and Homework updated 4/4/2016

4/5 Plant Reproduction; Flowers; Plant signaling; Lab design

4/7 Bring Device-preferably large format-you’ll see what I mean when you do it;  Set up Seed Germination & light lab; Plant signals

4/8 – Teacher Planning Day



The packet from ?el?. 18 pages of diagrams to interpret. Боже мой


Some of them, you may not even know or remember the vocabulary in the diagram.


This is the first real study guide for the AP EXAM.

While you can work together, you need to be clear on the answers yourself, and each of you needs to submit an answer set.

You do not need to print the diagrams. The entire assignment can be done in the cloud.

Due 4/11: Plant Structure and Function through Ecology and Behavioral Biology (the end)

Be neat and answer the questions either in your own document or on a printout of the question sheets.  We will go over a couple of the answers on 3/17, so that you will know what kind of answers I’m looking for.


FYI-I’m not as dumb as you think I am. Several of the answers in the answer sheet to the diagram packet are WRONG. If all you did was copy, without thinking, you didn’t do the job. It will come back to haunt you.

Due 4/11 Mastering Biology Plants (38:1, 39:1,2,3)

Due 4/14 Seed germination and Light

Agenda and Homework updated 3/18/2016

3/28 (You don’t need devices) Do Now CH 45 Hormones

3/30 Bring Devices-Do Now CH 43 Immunity

4/1 Do Now-FRQ; Chapter 51 Ethology (Animal Behavior)


The packet from ?el?. 18 pages of diagrams to interpret. Боже мой


Some of them, you may not even know or remember the vocabulary in the diagram.


This is the first real study guide for the AP EXAM.

While you can work together, you need to be clear on the answers yourself, and each of you needs to submit an answer set.

You do not need to print the diagrams. The entire assignment can be done in the cloud.

Due 3/28: Chemistry of Life through Diversity of Life (inclusive)

Due 4/1: Graphic organizer illustrating/defining the following: epitope, antigen, antibody

Due 4/11: Plant Structure and Function through Ecology and Behavioral Biology (the end)

Be neat and answer the questions either in your own document or on a printout of the question sheets.  We will go over a couple of the answers on 3/17, so that you will know what kind of answers I’m looking for.


Study Technique…

“New” to me memrise web site….like quizlet, but, more spaced and planned learning for vocab lists

You need to sign up for an account then, go to this site-


And look at his word lists. Very comprehensive and the spaced strategy for learning is excellent

Agenda and Homework updated 3/10/2016

3/15 (You don’t need devices) Do Now CH 48 Nervous Conduction

3/17 (You don’t need devices) Do Now CH 45 Hormones

3/28 Bring Devices-Do Now CH 43 Immunity

Spring Break


Due 3/15 Temperature cycles. Take your temperature as often as you can (without waking up in the middle of the night, or embarrassing yourself or your other teachers) over a period of 48-72 hours. Graph the result, with temperature as a function of time.  Draw any conclusions you can.  You can pick the 48-72 hour period that is most convenient to you between 3/4-3/15.

Due 3/17 Read Concept 5-6 from Biology In Focus https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0r2l9_tFA_FeFB0VG42RDlEaTA

Spring Break

The packet from ?el?. 18 pages of diagrams to interpret. Боже мой


Some of them, you may not even know or remember the vocabulary in the diagram.


This is the first real study guide for the AP EXAM.

While you can work together, you need to be clear on the answers yourself, and each of you needs to submit an answer set.

You do not need to print the diagrams. The entire assignment can be done in the cloud.

Due 3/28: Chemistry of Life through Diversity of Life (inclusive)

Due 4/11: Plant Structure and Function through Ecology and Behavioral Biology (the end)

Be neat and answer the questions either in your own document or on a printout of the question sheets.  We will go over a couple of the answers on 3/17, so that you will know what kind of answers I’m looking for.

Chat Survey-Do you want me to go back to having open chats scheduled where you can ask questions? Respond via my feedback form. http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/feedback.html  (due by 3/26-so I have time to read and think about)

Agenda and Homework updated 3/4/2016

3/7 Bring Devices-Do Now Quiz CH 20; Technology; Animal Form and Function

3/9 FRQ; Animal Form and Function

3/11 Bring Devices-Do Now CH 40; Animal Form and Function


Due 3/6 (11:59 PM) Mastering Biology 40 ( 50 min)

Due 3/7 Research Epigenetics and prepare a 1 page summary that could be given to potential parents, honors biology students or a newspaper. Highlight the new information since the 2007 video.

Due 3/15 Temperature cycles. Take your temperature as often as you can (without waking up in the middle of the night, or embarrassing yourself or your other teachers) over a period of 48-72 hours. Graph the result, with temperature as a function of time.  Draw any conclusions you can.  You can pick the 48-72 hour period that is most convenient to you between 3/4-3/15.


Agenda and Homework updated 2/26/2016

3/1 Bring Devices; Eukaryotic Gene Regulation

3/3 Bring Devices; Ghost in Your Genes; Epigenetics; Technology

3/7 FRQ; Technology; Animal Form and Function

In March we will be trying something different for the beginning of class quizzes.

It will speed things up if you have signed up for a schoology.com account (and remember your credentials).

You will NEED this account multiple times both in school and at home over the next few weeks.


Access Code:  QQNCF-SHGPR


If you signed up in October (7 of you), but can’t remember your password, I can reset it for you.




NOTE: The Masterings are due the midnight BEFORE the even class day

Due 3/2 (11:59 PM) Mastering Biology 20 (40 min)

Due 3/6 (11:59 PM) Mastering Biology 40 ( 50 min)

Due 3/7 Research Epigenetics and prepare a 1 page summary that could be given to potential parents, honors biology students or a newspaper. Highlight the new information since the 2007 video.

Volunteers needed for SIB 3/10 – Evening event 5:00-8:00 (?) LET ME KNOW

            -training; lunch or afterschool by appointment

            -ATM “team”


A group at FIU is working on a space camera. One of the main goals of their project is to get students involved and interested in space exploration. It would mean a lot to them if you could take the following survey.Students are encouraged to get involved and ask any questions they might have about the mission.






Agenda and Homework updated 2/19/2016

I figured out what I’m going to do for missed Do Now quizzes-If you miss (absent/tardy) one or more of these Do Now quizzes your grade for the missing quiz will be the average of the 2 quizzes closest in time to the missing one.


2/22 Quiz CH 17 (10 questions); Gene to Protein; mutation types; models

2/24 Quiz 18; DNA Extraction (?); Bacterial operons

2/26 FRQ CH 16-18; Control of Gene Expression

In March we will be trying something different for the beginning of class quizzes.

It will speed things up if you have signed up for a schoology.com account (and remember your credentials).

You will NEED this account multiple times both in school and at home over the next few weeks.


Access Code:  QQNCF-SHGPR

If you signed up in October (7 of you), but can’t remember your password, I can reset it for you.



NOTE: The Masterings are due the midnight BEFORE the even class day

Due 2/17 Mastering Biology 16 (about 65 minutes)

Due 2/21 Mastering Biology 17 Gene to Protein (75 min)

Due 2/22 (by classtime): DNA Central Dogma Module I, II, III, VII, VIII See agenda below for links

Due 2/25 (11:59) Mastering Biology 18 – Part 1 (40 min)

Due 2/26 DNA Extraction report

Due 3/2 (11:59 PM) Mastering Biology 20 (40 min)


Volunteers needed for SIB 3/10 – Evening event 5:00-8:00 (?)LET ME KNOW

            -training; lunch or afterschool by appointment

            -ATM “team”


Agenda and Homework updated 2/11/2016

I figured out what I’m going to do for missed Do Now quizzes-If you miss (absent/tardy) one or more of these Do Now quizzes your grade for the missing quiz will be the average of the 2 quizzes closest in time to the missing one.


2/18 Quiz CH 16 (10 questions – central dogma) Central Dogma

DNA-Central Dogma Modules I, II, III, VII, VIII – NOTE: These are individual!






(yes, I know about the senior event on 2/18, if you aren’t in class, you will have to do the forms as homework)

2/22 Quiz CH 17 (10 questions); Gene to Protein; mutation types; models

2/24 Quiz 18; DNA Extraction (?); Bacterial operons

2/26 FRQ CH 16-18; Control of Gene Expression



NOTE: These are due the midnight BEFORE the even class day

Due 2/17 Mastering Biology 16 (about 65 minutes)

Due 2/21 Mastering Biology 17 Gene to Protein (75 min)

Due 2/22 (by classtime): DNA Central Dogma Module I, II, III, VII, VIII

Due 2/26 DNA Extraction report

Agenda and Homework updated 2/5/2016

2/8 Quiz 14, 15 – 10 Questions (bring device); Review Mendel -> Chromosomal Basis of Genetics

2/10 EXAM; 55 MC/ 3 FRQ | Chapters 12-15

2/12 Quiz CH 16 (10 Questions) (bring device); Central Dogma





NOTE: These are due the midnight BEFORE the even class day

Due 2/09 Mastering Biology 15 (about 90 minutes)

Due 2/17 Mastering Biology 16 (about 65 minutes)


Low income Juniors-College Prep Scholars Program from Questbridge

See me (or email me)

Agenda and Homework updated 1/30/2016

2/2 Chromosomal Basis for Genetics; Central Dogma; DNA Structure

Determine if your “device” is suitable – Test – sampleonlinetest.html


2/4 Quiz 12, 13 – 10 Questions (bring device); Review Cell Cycle->Meiosis

2/8 Quiz 14, 15 – 10 Questions (bring device); Review Mendel -> Chromosomal Basis of Genetics

2/10 EXAM (bring device); 55 MC/ 3 FRQ | Chapters 12-15

2/12 Quiz CH 16 (10 Questions) (bring device); Central Dogma





Due 2/2 DNA Tech Forms I, II, III, IV, V, VI (mostly done in class 1/29)

Due 2/4 Blast Lab (HW) – Individual!


NOTE: These are due the midnight BEFORE the even class day

Due 2/09 Mastering Biology 15 (about 90 minutes)

Due 2/17 Mastering Biology 16 (about 65 minutes)

Agenda and Homework updated 1/22/2016


1/27: Meiosis, Mendell, flies

1/29: Media Center (Biology MYA-Camp) (DNA Technology Modules)











Due 2/2 DNA Tech Forms I, II, III, IV, V, VI (mostly done in class 1/29)

Due 2/4 Blast Lab (HW) – Individual!




10th & 11th grade girls -- apply to the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program ---code the world of their dreams! The link to apply is here: girlswhocode.com/apply!

The 2016 Summer Immersion Program is FREE for all students with additional need-based scholarships available! 

Agenda and Homework updated 1/15/2016

1/19: Meiosis & Mendel; fly?

1/21: Sealed World “FRQ” parts 2 & 3;  Subject Selection (juniors); Fly?; DNA Structure

1/22: DNA Structure; Central Dogma


1/27: DNA Extraction; Central Dogma

1/29: Media Center/422 (Biology MYA-Camp) (DNA Technology Modules)











Due 1/22 Fly lab – see online handout https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0r2l9_tFA_FVXBWWGpPc3BqOUk/view?usp=sharing

Due 2/2 DNA Tech Forms I, II, III, IV, V, VI (mostly done in class 1/29)

Due 2/4 Blast Lab (HW) – Individual!


ALL grades (including latework) for the 2nd marking period must have been submitted by 1/15-If you need me to make an exception see me personally or email me and we can discuss your situation



$2000 stipend

HHMI funded research position as a HS Scholar – 6/13-7/28

Medical Meeting:

  • The Department of Advanced Academic Programs, in partnership with Florida International University's (FIU) Office of Pre-Health Professions Advising and the FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine wishes to inform all high schools of the 8th Annual FIU Pre-Medical Informational Forum to be held in March 2016.
  • FIU extends an invitation to all high school students interested in a career in medicine to attend this event and gain a comprehensive understanding of medical school requirements and of the opportunities for a career as a physician.
  • Presentations will be facilitated by FIU faculty, staff, physicians, and students from FIU's Office of Pre-Health Professions Advising and the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. 
  • The event details are found below:
    • DATE:       Monday, March 7, 2016
    • TIME:        7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • PLACE:     Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus
    •                  School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Room 125
    •                  11200 SW 8th Street
    •                  Miami, FL 33199



Data/lab sheets can be found in the shared folder if you no longer have yours.

Chi-square test
M&Ms Mars Co. Website Actual Counts
Brown 13% 186
Yellow 14% 174
Red 13% 212
Green 16% 303
Blue 24% 313
Orange 20% 306
Mono-hybrid cross data
Actual Counts
Genotypes Spoon-Spoon 293
  Spoon-Spork 528
  Spork-Spork 277
Di-hybrid cross data Actual Counts
Phenotype Dominant-Dominant Spoon-Red 367
  Dominant-Recessive Spoon-Yellow 123
  Recessive-Dominant Spork-Red 121
  Recessive-Recessive Spork-Yellow 130

Agenda and Homework updated 1/8/2016

1/11Di-hybrid simulation; Linkage & fruit flies

1/12 Fly lab-Bring Devices (larger format than phones)

1/14 Brave New World Meets Gattaca

1/15 Fly lab-Bring Devices (larger format than phones)


Due 1/15 Genetics Simulations (mono & dihybrid) w/Chi Square 

The data for the chi-square (M&Ms), mono- and di- hybrid simulations will be added to this page when we have accumulated them on Monday.

“Brave New World” meets “Gattaca” - Due 1/14/2016

Be prepared to discuss/debate the follow topics. You may be assigned pro/con on any topic on 1/14. You can have index cards or other preparation. This discussion will be conducted in a way substantially different from anything I have tried before. You will NEED to have multiple arguments, both pro and con, for each issue.  This is new/different this year in part because of the GMO salmon (#2) and the current position of David Baltimore on editing the human genome (#4) http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/20/science/biologists-call-for-halt-to-gene-editing-technique-in-humans.html?_r=0

1-GMO crops

2-GMO salmon

3-Theraputic gene therapies

4-Germ line (sperm/egg) gene therapies

5-IVF for genetically unusual situations (sperm don’t swim, two mothers-no father; three parents-two fathers-egg donor etc.)

6-Advice to a pregnant mother, based on genetic testing of the fetus

7- Eugenics, based on genetics rather than prejudice

8-Stem cell research using fetal cells

9-Large scale DNA fingerprint databases (not just convicted criminals)



Due 1/21 Fly lab – see online handout https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0r2l9_tFA_FVXBWWGpPc3BqOUk/view?usp=sharing

Fly lab is part of the 3rd marking period

ALL grades (including latework) for the 2nd marking period must be submitted by 1/15



Data Entry-M&M Lab

Agenda and Homework updated 12/27/2015

1/4 Cell Cycle/Mitosis

1/5 Meiosis; Chi Square

1/7 Mendel/Genetics (monohybrid simulation)

1/8 Dihybrid simulation


Due 1/4/2016-Mastering Biology – Chapter 14

Due 1/4/2016  Genetics Form-I (OnLine) & Genetics Form-II (OnLine)

Genetics 1 http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/GeneticsFormI.html

Genetics 2 http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/GeneticsFormII.html

Due 1/7/2016 Sealed “world” predictions: In class I will have sealed several mung beans in flasks with CO2 probes. Predict the graph (sketch it) that the SPARK probe will record over the 4 weeks.  Explain your graph (IN DETAIL).

Due 1/11 Genetics Simulations (mono & dihybrid) w/Chi Square

“Brave New World” meets “Gattaca” - Due 1/14/2016

Be prepared to discuss/debate the follow topics. You may be assigned pro/con on any topic on 1/14. You can have index cards or other preparation. This discussion will be conducted in a way substantially different from anything I have tried before. You will NEED to have multiple arguments, both pro and con, for each issue.  This is new/different this year in part because of the GMO salmon (#2) and the current position of David Baltimore on editing the human genome (#4) http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/20/science/biologists-call-for-halt-to-gene-editing-technique-in-humans.html?_r=0

1-GMO crops

2-GMO salmon

3-Theraputic gene therapies

4-Germ line (sperm/egg) gene therapies

5-IVF for genetically unusual situations (sperm don’t swim, two mothers-no father; three parents-two fathers-egg donor etc.)

6-Advice to a pregnant mother, based on genetic testing of the fetus

7- Eugenics, based on genetics rather than prejudice

8-Stem cell research using fetal cells

9-Large scale DNA fingerprint databases (not just convicted criminals)



Agenda and Homework updated 12/5/2015
12/8 Cell Cycle & Mitosis-DEVICES For E-lab (4 electronic forms)  [Note: My primary form handling site closed on 11/30. I think I have successfully converted all of the forms below to a different site. If you encounter difficulities let me know so I can fix them.]

Cell Cycle http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-CellCycleControl.html

Arizona-Mitosis http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-Mitosis.html

Arizona-Meiosis http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-Meiosis.html

Onion Cell Mitosis Simulated Lab  http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/onioncellmitosis/MitosisLab.html


12/10 ER – (senior breakfast) E-lab continued

12/14 Evaluation-Photosynthesis and Respiration (some fill in the blank, some MC, 1 FRQ); Meiosis

12/16 Summary-Cell Cycle, Mitosis, Meiosis, Cancer

12/18 DNA’s Dark Lady; Picture 51; Life Story



Due 12/8 Master Questions on Photosynthesis & Respiration (not a test- 100 review questions)

Due 12/8 Photosynthesis Lab

Due 12/14 Cell Cycle Control – Online Form; Mitosis-Form

Due 12/16 Mastering Biology Activities Chapters 12 & 13

Due 12/16 Mastering Biology Multiple Choice Practice Chapters 12 & 13

Due 12/18 Meiosis-Form; Onion Root Tip-Form

Due 12/18: Extra Credit: 3-Click and Learns from HHMI (related to last year’s Holiday Lectures) Do All 3 (links below): For p53-fill in the worksheet (Hard Copy-and turn in by 12/18) For BCR & Cell Cycle make your own worksheet (with answers)-ONLY electronic copies accepted in editable formats.  The better your worksheets the more extra credit.  You HAVE to do all 3 to get any credit






Yes-You have to do something over break (besides sleep).

Due 1/4/2016-Mastering Biology – Chapter 14

Due 1/4/2016  Genetics Form-I (OnLine) & Genetics Form-II (OnLine)

Genetics 1 http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/GeneticsFormI.html

Genetics 2 http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/GeneticsFormII.html

Due 1/6/2016 Sealed “world” predictions: In class I will have sealed several mung beans in flasks with CO2 probes. Predict the graph (sketch it) that the SPARK probe will record over the 4 weeks.  Explain your graph (IN DETAIL).

“Brave New World” meets “Gattaca” - Due 1/14/2016

Be prepared to discuss/debate the follow topics. You may be assigned pro/con on any topic on 1/14. You can have index cards or other preparation. This discussion will be conducted in a way substantially different from anything I have tried before. You will NEED to have multiple arguments, both pro and con, for each issue.  This is new/different this year in part because of the GMO salmon (#2) and the current position of David Baltimore on editing the human genome (#4) http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/20/science/biologists-call-for-halt-to-gene-editing-technique-in-humans.html?_r=0

1-GMO crops

2-GMO salmon

3-Theraputic gene therapies

4-Germ line (sperm/egg) gene therapies

5-IVF for genetically unusual situations (sperm don’t swim, two mothers-no father; three parents-two fathers-egg donor etc.)

6-Advice to a pregnant mother, based on genetic testing of the fetus

7- Eugenics, based on genetics rather than prejudice

8-Stem cell research using fetal cells

9-Large scale DNA fingerprint databases (not just convicted criminals)



Agenda and Homework updated 11/24/2015

11/30 (even) Control of Respiration; Photosynthesis (CH 10)

12/2 (even) Photosynthesis Lab

12/4 (Devices-competitive Quizlet); Photosynthesis & Respiration


Due 11/30 Mastering Biology Chapter 10 (photosynthesis)

Due 11/30 Respiration Box Model (HARD)

Due 12/4 Photosynthesis Box Model (EASY)

Due 12/4 Quizlet Words for Energetics & Metabolism

You will need to sign up for a quizlet account if you don't already have one. Then search for mdgottfried, where you will find 2 classes. Ask to join the appropriate class. The links below have you join automatically.

You need to make 2 "flash cards" for energetics. You have been assigned two words from a word list. What words you ask? Well, you will have to look that up in a file in the shared folder. The two cards have to be done by 12/4.

Direct link to word list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10FEwBoFLTVq1YPfcFLgApbUAG51CEhLgu5pNinzn-X0/edit?usp=sharing

Period 4-class link: https://quizlet.com/join/AVmaw3QfQ

Period 6-class link: https://quizlet.com/join/cdmMvNQPR

 You can "apply" to do additional words for additional credit/reward.

Send me email with suggested words/terms

Due 12/8 Mastering Biology- Questions on Photosynthesis & Respiration (not a test- 100 review questions)

Due 12/8 Photosynthesis Lab

Make it Stick  12/1. 12/2 (Second Lunch)

Topic-Make it Stick – Chapter 3 Mix Up Your Practice & Chapter 4 Embrace Difficulties


NMB Charger AP Bowl

       Saturday 1/30/2016





Agenda and Homework updated 11/20/2015

11/23 (even) Respiration

11/30 (even) Photosynthesis (CH 10)

12/2 (even) Photosynthesis Lab

12/4 (Devices-competitive Quizlet); Photosynthesis & Respiration


Due 11/21 midnight Take Home Test (online-100 MC questions) Chapters 6, 7 & 8 (due to Xerox malfunctions) Becomes available 11/15; cannot be submitted for credit after Sunday 11/22

Due 11/23 Respiration Lab

Due 11/23 Mastering Biology Chapter 9 (respiration)

Due 11/30 Mastering Biology Chapter 10 (photosynthesis)

Due 11/30 Respiration Box Model (HARD)

Due 12/4 Photosynthesis Box Model (EASY)

Due 12/4 Quizlet Words for Energetics & Metabolism (You need an account with Quizlet. You have to do YOUR assigned words AP BIO-Energetics Period 4, AP BIO-Energetics Period 6 PW: DrG411-4 or DrG411-6) The assigned list can be found in the shared folder

Due 12/8 Photosynthesis Lab


Make it Stick  12/1. 12/2 (Second Lunch)

Topic-Make it Stick – Chapter 3 Mix Up Your Practice & Chapter 4 Embrace Difficulties


Agenda and Homework updated 11/13/2015

11/17 (even) Thermodynamics; Respiration (CH 9)

11/19 (even) Respiration Lab (Yeast ?);

11/23 (even) Respiration

11/30 (even) Photosynthesis (CH 10)


Due 11/16  Mastering Biology Chapter 8 (metabolism)

Due 11/17 Osmosis Lab

Due 11/21 midnight Take Home Test (online-100 MC questions) Chapters 6, 7 & 8 (due to Xerox malfunctions) Becomes available 11/15; cannot be submitted for credit after Sunday 11/22

Due 11/23 Respiration Lab

Due 11/23 Mastering Biology Chapter 9 (respiration)

Due 11/30 Mastering Biology Chapter 10 (photosynthesis)

Due 11/30 Respiration Box Model


Make it Stick

5 people?

OK… 5 people

If you want a copy of the book (audio files/audio CD/epub/pdf/mobi) see me with a USB drive etc. any 2nd lunch, before school or after school)

11/16 –> Break will be all block  (alternating odd/even) so, Wednesday/Thursday 11/18, 19

Topic-Make it Stick – Chapters 1 & 2 Learning is Misunderstood & To Learn, Retrieve


VOTE: https://www.celebratemydrive.com/?state=FL&vote=#section-voting

Agenda and Homework updated 11/6/2015

 11/9 Cell Membranes

11/12 (block) Osmosis-Water transport through the membrane (Osmosis Lab Part 1)

11/13 Osmosis (Osmosis Lab Part 2)   Data Entry:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EMEd0w19-zD_JrwHLOQWmejL7yBAYjW2DjWfcKUcBf8/edit?usp=sharing


Due 11/9 Yeast Catalase lab

Due 11/13 Mastering Biology Chapter 7 (membranes)

Due 11/16  Mastering Biology Chapter 8 (metabolism)

Due 11/17 Osmosis Lab


Looking Forward

Due 11/21 midnight Take Home Test (online-100 MC questions) Chapters 6, 7 & 8 (due to Xerox malfunctions) Becomes available 11/15; cannot be submitted for credit after Sunday 11/22

Due 11/23 Mastering Biology Chapter 9 (respiration)

Due 11/30 Mastering Biology Chapter 10 (photosynthesis)


Make it Stick

5 people?

OK… 5 people

No meeting next week (weird week w/Veterans Day)

If you want a copy of the book (audio files/audio CD/epub/pdf/mobi) see me with a USB drive etc. any 2nd lunch, before school or after school)

11/16 –> Break will be all block  (alternating odd/even) so, Wednesday/Thursday 11/18, 19

Topic-Make it Stick – Chapters 1 & 2 Learning is Misunderstood & To Learn, Retrieve


FYI Starting 11/16 ATM will be on alternating block until winter break. I’ll post the schedule, but, it is self-explanatory (11/16-odd, 11/17-even, 11/18-odd, 11/19-even, 11/20-odd, 11/23-even, 11/24-odd, 11/30-even 12/1-odd etc.)

Agenda and Homework updated 10/28/2015

11/2 Enzymes

11/3 Enzymes/Cell membranes

11/5 Cell Quiz; Yeast Catalase (enzyme lab)

11/6 Cell Membranes/Metabolism



Due 11/5: Study for Cell Quiz

Due 11/9 Yeast Catalase lab

Make it Stick

I can’t find a good time for a meeting of just the kids who have signed up.  Too many clubs/sports/conflicts.

We’ll try the lunch meeting again, on both days (Wednesday/Thursday), and I’ll send out a remind to everyone in AP Bio on Tuesday/Wednesday  night

Agenda and Homework updated 10/23/2015

10/26 Paperclipase; Biochemistry review (why you did badly on the exam)

10/29 Enzymes; Yeast catalase – design a lab (for next week)


Due 10/29 Paperclipase (you will get 20 minutes to work on the report in class on 10/26) On the lab handout questions 1-4 Group; questions 5-8 Individual (2nd marking period)

Cell Quiz tentatively scheduled for November 11/5

Make it Stick

I can’t find a good time for a meeting of just the kids who have signed up.  Too many clubs/sports/conflicts.

The lunch meetings last week didn’t “stick.”

I’m open to suggestions.

Agenda and Homework updated 10/16/2015

10/16 Cells Introduction; SA:Vol

10/20 Enzymes; Paperclipase

10/22 On the Shoulders of Giants


10/26 Paperclipase; Biochemistry review (why you did badly on the exam)



Due 10/19 Midnight-Mastering Biology Cells (MC& Activities combined ~ 90 minutes; Adaptive followup-extra credit due 10/20)

Due 10/20 Annotated drawing of prokaryotic, plant and animal cells (wait until 10/16)

Due 10/27 Paperclipase (you will get 20 minutes to work on the report in class on 10/26-GROUP PROJECT GRADE) (2nd marking period)

DUE 10/22: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3-4 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3-4 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3-4 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.



Make it Stick

I can’t find a good time for a meeting of just the kids who have signed up.  Too many clubs/sports/conflicts.

SO, I will run open sessions at lunch (2nd lunch), on Wednesday and Thursday. (Same discussion both days). Feel free to join us.

We’ll start this week (10/21, 22)


Agenda and Homework updated 10/9/2015

10/12 Nucleic acids, Review Biochemistry

10/14 EXAM- 65 MC 2 FRQ 2 Hour Test! Боже мой (date change-you’re welcome)

10/16 Cells Introduction; SA:Vol



Due 10/12 Fat Lab;

Due 10/14 – STUDY FOR TEST

Due 10/19 Midnight-Mastering Biology Cells (MC& Activities combined ~ 90 minutes; Adaptive followup-extra credit due 10/20)

Due 10/20 Annotated drawing of prokaryotic, plant and animal cells (wait until 10/16)

DUE 10/22: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3-4 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3-4 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3-4 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.



CHAT for test review office hours…. 10/13 5-6 PM;

Chat link:   http://backchannelchat.com/chat/w3l2m 


Test postponted to 10/14

Da Fat Lab

What is the relationship, if any, between the degree of saturation and the melting point of a fat?   Which fat will melt first?



% polyunsaturated

% monounsaturated

% saturated




































Melt Order 

GroupPeriod 4-Set 1Period 6 Set 1Period 4 set 2Period 6 Set 2
11 5 2 32 1 3 56 7 47 6 4
22 3 5 12 1 3 56 7 46 7 4
31 5 2 33 1 2 56 7 46 7 4
45 2 1 32 3 5 17 6 46 7 4
51 3 5 22 3 1 56 7 46 7 4
65 2 3 11 2 5 36 7 46 7 4

Agenda and Homework updated 10/2/2015

10/5 Models; carbohydrates, proteins

10/6 Models, proteins, lipids,

10/8 (ER) Fat Lab; DNA models; nucleic acids

10/9 Nucleic acids, Review Biochemistry


10/12 EXAM- 65 MC 2 FRQ - 2 Hour Test! Боже мой



Due 10/5: Write a clear, cogent essay comparing and contrasting the three most important (to biology) types of chemical bonds. Define your terms and give examples.

Due 10/12 Fat Lab;

Due 10/12 – STUDY FOR TEST


DUE 10/22: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3-4 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3-4 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3-4 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.



CHAT for general office hours…. 10/8 5-6 PM; 10/10 12:00-1:00 PM

Chat link:   http://backchannelchat.com/chat/w3l2m 


Are you a serious student?

Do you put in the time, without always getting the academic results you want?

I am currently reading (listening to) a book called “Make it Stick-The Science of Successful Learning” based on cognitive psychology.

It is changing how I think about learning (and therefore teaching).

If enough (>5) students (you) respond (via email) that you are interested, I will create a study group to discuss the ideas (based on research) of how you should study/learn for mastery. Respond by Friday 10/9

Meetings will either be right afterschool at a mutually agreed upon date/time, or via chat (mutually agreed upon date/time).

(If you want to read it yourself: 336 pages, audio version approximately 8 hours; <$20)


DuPont Essay Challenge


Lots of $$$

Look at it, see if you can write something that meets their guidelines.

While it has to be an original essay, one of the topics is similar to the medical advances essay contest I presented last week (see below on the web page) and you might be able to write a 700-1000 word essay for DuPont and then cut it to 500 words for the other contest (or write 500 words about an advance in medicine and then expand it for the DuPont challenge.


Agenda and Homework updated 9/27/2015

9/28 Water/Carbon

9/29 Carbon/Macromolecules; Pattern Matching-I

10/1 Pattern Matching-II; carbohydrates, lipids, proteins

10/2 Pattern Matching-II, nucleic acids


Due 9/29 Classwork- Pattern Matching-I

Due 10/2: Pattern Matching II-Packet (group-classwork)

Due 10/2: AP Insight – Building Block Quizzes (I have scheduled 3 of the evolution related quizzes) Do THEM ALL BY 10/2 11:00 PM (I would have made it midnight-but, the software didn’t have that as a choice L)

Due 10/2 (midnight) Biochemistry (chapter 5) – Mastering Biology MC (15 min); Mastering Biology Activities (75 min)

Due 10/5: Write a clear, cogent essay comparing and contrasting the three most important (to biology) types of chemical bonds. Define your terms and give examples.


DUE 10/22: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3-4 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3-4 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3-4 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.



Please be sure to let your high school students know about a fun new essay contest that can earn them valuable recognition and great prizes! The contest is simple: In 500–700 words, high school students should describe a piece of healthcare technology (medical device or system) of the future. They should explain what the device or system would do, and how it would improve patient care.

The deadline is Dec. 1, 2015, and essays should be sent to me (Patrick Bernat) at
pbernat@aami.org. Please use the following format for file names and e-mail subject line: ESSAY-MMDDYY-LASTNAME. For example, a submission from Bill Smith on Nov. 22, 2015, should have "ESSAY-112215-SMITH" in the e-mail subject line and "ESSAY-112215-SMITH.doc" as the file name.

The contest is being conducted by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (
www.aami.org). Winners will be announced the second week of January 2016. Prizes will be awarded as follows: first place: $500 gift card; second place: $300 gift card; and third place: $200 gift card. Additionally, the top three authors will receive a complimentary one-year AAMI student membership.

Also, the top submission, along with an article about the author, will be published by AAMI.

Again, please submit essays to
pbernat@aami.org by Dec. 1, 2015. Here is a link to the contest information.


CHAT for general office hours…. 10/1 4PM-5:00; 10/3 12:00-1:00  CHAT:  http://backchannelchat.com/chat/w3l2m 


Per Mrs. Daniel- Dropbox uploads



Agenda and Homework updated 9/18/2015

9/21 Evolution EXAM (MC only)

9/24-25 Chemistry review; water; carbon

9/25 – BYOD- We’re going to try the AP Insight “Building Box Quiz”


Due 9/25: Chemistry Review Mastering Biology Activities (long > 75 minutes)

Due 9/25: Water mini-activity reports; Diagrams from Thursday’s classwork (but neat!)

Due 9/28: Diagrams from Friday’s classwork (but neat!)

Coming up….

Due 10/2 (midnight) Biochemistry (chapter 5) – Mastering Biology MC (15 min); Mastering Biology Activities (75 min)

DUE 10/22: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3-4 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3-4 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3-4 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.




Schoology Account- (A different site for some special things. Sign up and we’ll see how we use it. (a better venue for chat…)




FYI – Open House – 9/30

UPDATE 9/15----
9/17-Speciation & Evolution Wrap-up
9/18-Fisherbeast Posters & Evolution study

Schoology CHAT 3-4 PM Sunday 9/20 for questions related to the exam  

Access Code  QQNCF-SHGPR

Agenda and Homework updated 9/14/2015

9/15 Fisherbeast & Data Entry

9/17 Fisherbeast posters & Evolution “study”

9/18 Speciation; Evolution Wrap up

9/21 Evolution EXAM (MC only)

9/24-25 Chemistry review; water; carbon


Due 9/18 Hardy Weinberg Lab (delayed one day due to possibility I won’t be in on Thursday to collect)

Due 9/18 Cladogram packet

Due 9/18 11:59 PM Mastering Evolution MC (Chapters 22, 23, 24) 25 questions (+/- 30 min)

            Knewton Adaptive Module-due 9/19 11:59 PM

Due 9/18 11:59 PM Mastering Evolution Activities/Tutorials (Chapters 22, 23, 24) 11 activities (+/- 1 hour)

Due 9/18 Extra Credit HW-simulation Lab (small groups acceptable, but, more people=more work)

9/17-After school-Extra Credit or chocolate – Neat/Careful “crew” to prepare and post the Tree of Life

Due 9/25 Chemistry Review Mastering Biology Activities (long > 75 minutes)

DUE 10/22: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3-4 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3-4 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3-4 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.




Schoology Account- (A different site for some special things. Sign up and we’ll see how we use it. (a better venue for chat…)

Access Code  QQNCF-SHGPR


FYI-Mostly I leave college information to Mrs. Rodriguez, however, I wanted to remind seniors about Questbridge National College Match (www.questbridge.org) see if you qualify [top 5-10% of your class, taking challenging classes, household earns <$60K (family of 4), qualify for free/reduced lunch] Amazing opportunity

Teachers, Please share with all Freshmen and Juniors:


Why do I need to sign up to take the PSAT?


1.  It will give Juniors the opportunity to experience the new format of the revised SAT.  This will give 11th graders a baseline to study and prepare for the new SAT, which will be administered for the first time in March. 


2.  This is the score that is used by CollegeBoard to recognize National Merit Scholars and the only score that can qualify you for this prestigious recognition.   Collegeboard has also partnered with other scholarship organizations that will use this score to award scholarships.  10th grade PSAT scores cannot be used for National Merit the Scholarship.


3.  CollegeBoard has partnered with the Khan Academy (students have access through their student portal) to provide FREE practice tools, four full length practice SAT tests, and provide an individual study, practice guide designed to help students improve areas in which they perform lower.


Sign up and pay $15.00 to take the PSAT (practice SAT) on October 28th.  Last day to pay is September 25th.


Mr. Concepcion, test chairperson, is collecting cash or check.



Update 9/10- We won't be doing the AP Insight login on Friday 9/11 so you won't need your devices.

Hardy Weinberg (LAB 8) Data below:

8A-Tasting Per 4 Per 6 total  
Tasters 15 26 41  
Non-Tasters 5 2 7  
8B-Random Per 4 Per 6 total
AA 5 10 15
Aa 12 8 20
aa 6 9 15
8C-Selection Per 4 Per 6 total
AA 18 20 38
Aa 5 7 12
aa 0 0 0
8D-Heterozygote Advantage Per 4 Per 6 total
AA 22 18 40
Aa 11 9 20
aa 0 0 0
8E-Drift Groups 4-1 4-2 4-3   6-1 6-2 6-3  
AA   2 2 3   5 4 4  
Aa   4 2 5   4 4 4  
aa   1 2 0   0 1 1  

Agenda and Homework updated 9/5

9/8 Fisherbeast; Phylogenetics; HW-simulation

9/10 Hardy-Weinberg Lab; Fisherbeast

9/11 Cladistics; BYOD-APInsight

Bring a web capable device (if possible) on 9/11; can be phone, tablet, laptop


Due 9/11 – Height Lab w/statistics; You need to devise research questions that can be answered with the data AND produce statistical analysis and graphs to provide evidence for a claim and explain your reasoning.  More analysis, more questions, more graphs (good ones) = better grade.

Due 9/17 Hardy Weinberg Lab

Due 9/18 Cladogram packet

Due 9/18 11:59 PM Mastering Evolution MC (Chapters 22, 23, 24) 25 questions (+/- 30 min)

                Knewton Adaptive Module-due 9/19 11:59 PM

Due 9/18 11:59 PM Mastering Evolution Activities/Tutorials (Chapters 22, 23, 24) 11 activities (+/- 1 hour)

Due 9/18 Extra Credit HW-simulation Lab (small groups acceptable, but, more people=more work)

NB: The Hardy Weinberg lab, the HW-Simulation, and the cladogram packet are all in the shared folder

NB: There will be a longer term research project each 9 weeks. One will be a debate, one I haven’t decided yet, and the first one, a short oral presentations (w/o props).

 DUE 10/22: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3-4 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 5 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3-4 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.

Note 8/29: Pearson sign up is functioning again, so the revised dates for Mastering will stand. When I went over some of the summer homework questions it turned out the key had some errors in it that crept into the file when I copied the key from last year's file. OOPS. I re-scored the summer assignment. Most student's scores went up a point or two, some stayed the same, and some went down (at most a couple of points). Since the error was mine, I corrected the ones in gradebook where the grade went up, but left alone those whose corrected scores would have dropped. You're welcome.

Agenda and Homework updated 8/28

8/31 Height Lab; Time, Data Analysis, Darwin

9/1 Darwin

9/3 (ER) Fisherbeast

9/4 Phylogenetics, Fisherbeast



Due 9/11 – Height Lab w/statistics; You need to devise research questions that can be answered with the data AND produce statistical analysis and graphs to provide evidence for a claim and explain your reasoning.  More analysis, more questions, more graphs (good ones) = better grade.

In addtion to the data below, there is a copy of the data in a google spread sheet in the shared folder (see above).

Grade Level Gender Height Arm Span
12 Female 152 148
9 Female 154 163
9 Female 154 149
12 Female 154 162.5
10 Female 155 155
12 Female 155 147
9 Female 156 157
10 Female 156 172
11 Female 156 149
12 Female 156 159
12 Female 157.5 165
9 Female 158 163
10 Female 158 161
9 Female 159 158
10 Female 160 158
11 Female 161 153
12 Female 161 153
12 Female 161 158
12 Female 161 151
9 Female 162 161
9 Female 162 156
9 Female 162 162
10 Female 162 158
11 Female 162 160
9 Female 163 157
12 Female 163 162.5
12 Female 163 165
12 Female 163 173
9 Female 164 167
11 Female 164 165
12 Female 164 161
9 Female 165 155
9 Female 165 163
12 Female 165 164
12 Female 165 162
11 Female 165.5 155
11 Female 166 168
12 Female 166 162
11 Female 166.5 156
10 Female 167 174
10 Female 167 166
9 Female 168 163.5
12 Female 169 164
12 Female 169 160
9 Female 170 171
9 Female 172 179
10 Female 172 186
12 Female 173 169
12 Female 174 174
12 Female 174 166
9 Female 175 170
10 Female 175 180
11 Female 175 175
11 Female 177 176
9 Male 156 155
12 Male 160 169
9 Male 163 168
9 Male 164 165
9 Male 166 173
9 Male 166 171
10 Male 166 161
12 Male 166 172
12 Male 166 168
9 Male 167 171
10 Male 169 164
12 Male 169 173
12 Male 169 163
9 Male 170 170
9 Male 170 181
11 Male 170 170
9 Male 171 172
9 Male 171 177
12 Male 171 173
9 Male 172 169
10 Male 172 187
10 Male 172 177
10 Male 172 181
10 Male 172 178
10 Male 172 176
11 Male 172 175
11 Male 173 170
12 Male 173 170
10 Male 174 177
11 Male 174 172
9 Male 175 178
9 Male 175 181
10 Male 175 171
11 Male 175 182
12 Male 175 177
9 Male 176 186
9 Male 177 179
10 Male 178 185
12 Male 178 180
9 Male 179 181
10 Male 180 187
12 Male 180 177
9 Male 181 190
10 Male 181 180
12 Male 181 184
10 Male 182 185
11 Male 182 183
11 Male 182 187
12 Male 182 178
10 Male 183 188
10 Male 184 172
10 Male 186 200
10 Male 189 192
12 Male 193 182

Be proactive. Be prepared.  You can do the Mastering Biology Assignments ahead of time.  Access to MasteringBiology is probably the most expensive part of your "book."  I can not publically post our sign-in codes. If you didn't get a copy of the sign-in information in May/June, see me or email me for details on how to access the MasteringBiology website.

You can do the Mastering Biology Assignments Late-You do, automatically, lose points.

NOTE: Due to the failure of Pearson’s site, the Mastering Dates have been delayed/postponed.  If you have an account you may be able to do the work-it is signups that are disabled, however, everyone is getting a break.

due 8/31/2015 11:59 PM: Introduction to Mastering Biology

due 8/31/2015 11:59 PM: 00A-Get Ready for Biology – Diagnostic Questions

    You can access background information between the Diagnostic and Cumulative tests...

due 8/31/2015 11:59 PM: 00B-Get Ready for Biology—Cumulative Test

due 9/4/2015 11:59 PM: HW-Practice Test 01 – material from chapters 2 & 3 which are assumed to be pre-requisite knowledge for AP Biology Students.


Reading due by Friday (in Mastering Biology):

                Text (9th Ed): Chapter 1.2;

Due Monday 8/31: Campbell (Mastering Biology):  25.1-25.4; 

Thursday 9/3: Campbell:  26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.6, 27.1, 27.2;


Campbell Text Correlation:

Highlighted Table of Contents-in the shared folder


Agenda and Homework updated 8/17

8/24: Welcome, Introduction, FRQ-1

8/25: Height Lab Data; Safety, Seed germination start

8/27: Mug shots; FRQ-2; Germination Report; AP Insight

8/28: Height lab data analysis, Science Process Skills, AP Biology-Statistics-Math


Due 8/24/2015: Summer Letter/Assignment   All 3 parts are due before school starts on 8/24. (Links are in the Letter/Assignment pdf file.)

Due 8/25: Welcome Parent Letter signature

Be proactive. Be prepared.  You can do the Mastering Biology Assignments ahead of time.  Access to MasteringBiology is probably the most expensive part of your "book."  I can not publically post our sign-in codes. If you didn't get a copy of the sign-in information in May/June, see me or email me for details on how to access the MasteringBiology website.

due 8/28/2015 11:59 PM: Introduction to Mastering Biology

due 8/28/2015 11:59 PM: 00A-Get Ready for Biology – Diagnostic Questions

    You can access background information between the Diagnostic and Cumulative tests...

due 8/28/2015 11:59 PM: 00B-Get Ready for Biology—Cumulative Test

due 8/31/2015 11:59 PM: HW-Practice Test 01 – material from chapters 2 & 3 which are assumed to be pre-requisite knowledge for AP Biology Students.


Reading due by Friday (in Mastering Biology):

                Text (9th Ed): Chapter 1.2;

Due Monday 8/31: Campbell (Mastering Biology):  25.1-25.4; 

Thursday 9/3: Campbell:  26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.6, 27.1, 27.2;

Holtzclaw reviews-to guide your reading-are available, but not required (This is college!)


Campbell Text Correlation:

Highlighted Table of Contents-in the shared folder



Video/Flip Plan

General Videos

Bozeman Videos

1 - Models & Representation

 2 - Using Mathematics

 3 - Scientific Questioning

 4 - Data Collection Strategies

5 - Analysis & Evaluation of Evidence

6 - Scientific Explanations & Theories

7 - Scales, Concepts & Representations

Supplemental AP Biology Resources 


IB Biology Testing Words https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhXJ4Cm4ol4&app=desktop

                (stolen from IB, but, valuable)


For unit 02-Phylogenetics

Vocabulary – (Quizlet Vocabulary- http://quizlet.com/melindamalcore )

                By chapter 25; by Big Idea 1.B;

Bozeman:  006-Phylogenetics

Crash Course: 17 Evolutionary Development; 19 Taxomony



FYI- sign up for the CAP Lists

I want to try something-Remind now offers limited chat facilities. So, I want to try “Office Hours” Via Remind Chat – 9 persons-register by email/will invite first session just a test…8/24 - 5-5:30

For a new resource we may want to use "devices" in the classroom So, do you have laptops, tablets, large format phones that you can bring?


HOMEWORK (updated 5/4/2015)

Due 8/24/2015: Summer Letter/Assignment   All 3 parts are due before school starts on 8/24. (Links are in the Letter/Assignment pdf file.)

Be proactive. Be prepared.  You can do the Mastering Biology Assignments ahead of time.  Access to MasteringBiology is probably the most expensive part of your "book."  I can not publically post our sign-in codes. If you didn't get a copy of the sign-in information in May/June, email me for details on how to access the MasteringBiology website.

For your information I’ve posted the first few Mastering Assignments below-technically, this isn't summer homework. It isn't due until, at the earliest, the Friday of the first week of school.

due 8/28/2015 11:59 PM: Introduction to Mastering Biology

due 8/28/2015 11:59 PM: 00A-Get Ready for Biology – Diagnostic Questions

    You can access background information between the Diagnostic and Cumulative tests...

due 8/28/2015 11:59 PM: 00B-Get Ready for Biology—Cumulative Test

due 8/31/2015 11:59 PM: HW-Practice Test 01 – material from chapters 2 & 3 which are assumed to be pre-requisite knowledge for AP Biology Students.

Letter- Introduction (January 2015)  (In case you want to remind yourself of what I said about the class before you signed up...)

Comments-Feedback Page

Information- Code Red Lock Down

Classroom doors will be immediately locked.
No passes for any reason (bathroom, water etc).
Sit away from the door.
Students in the hall will be brought into the nearest classroom.
Students in open areas should report to the nearest secured area.
Students in bathroom facilities should report to the nearest secured area.
Follow directions of emergency personnel and administrators.
ALL staff and students remain in LOCK DOWN until the ALL CLEAR announcement is made.

Science Fees

$10 Fee/year

If you are taking 2 science classes, you have to pay in each one separately.
If you do not pay, an obligation slip will be submitted, and in order to graduate, leave the school etc, you will have to pay (clear your obligations).

Humor-40+ ways to tell if you've been traumatized by AP Biology (these will be funnier as you survive the course)

What you need to learn for AP Bio (poem)