AP-Agenda and Homework Page 2016-17  - Dr. Gottfried

Revised Curriculum Framework Document from College Board - The most important document related to our course.  (You will need Adobe Reader to open this document).
You can find the schedule as well as lots of other stuff (some of it useful) in the Don't Panic Book.  (always a work in progress, but up-to-date as of June 2015).

ALL Email (HOMEWORK AND CONTACT!) address:  DrG.ATM@gmail.com

Annotated Web Links       

This is the 2015-16 link, it will be updated over the 2016 summer. Shared Google Drive folder with previous FRQs and various handouts etc. (Google "Drive") - includes single  file with multiple vocabulary lists, the highlighted Table of Contents to Campbell etc. This may be changed to OneDrive, Dropbox or some other service....
The folder includes assignments/notes etc. from previous years.

REMIND -I encourage you to sign up for text/email reminders via Remind. 

My "sign in" page for AP Biology 2016-17  https://www.remind.com/join/apbio1617   - enter your phone number.

OR- Either text @apbio1617 to 81010 or email apbio1617@mail.remind.com  

(You can sign up for both sms-texts and email.) Please sign up with your real name if it asks... Standard text rates apply. If you use the email option you can leave the subject and body of the message blank.

I wish Dr. Gottfried knew....

Excellent summer program in biology at Barry University - Application

Graduation Rehearsal Web-Work

These forms are due 6/3 at 7 AM and 6/6 7 AM. They will either be used to remove a Z or as extra credit.

5/31-6/2  In class or wherever you end up during graduation rehearsals "Structure of Life"
This is due by 6/3 7 AM for it to be graded.  The grade may be used to replace Zs or to boost your grade (my choice).
There is a booklet for you to read and some multiple choice questions. After you answer the questions you have to enter the answers in an online form
1- Booklet
2- Questions
3- Data Entry Form

6/5 Transposons Read the Article in Science News 5/27/2017 and answer the questions on the web form. This is due by 6/6 7 AM for the grade to count. It may replace a Z or be used as extra credit.

Agenda and Homework updated 5/19/2017

5/22, 23 Autopsy Videos

5/25 Harrison Bergeron

5/26 Dr. Tatiana

5/30 Dr. Tatiana

5/31 (1, 3, 5) Graduation Rehearsal

6/1 (2, 4, 6) Graduation Rehearsal

6/2 (1-6) Graduation Rehearsal

6/5 (1-6) Graduation

5/6, 8 (for the Juniors) Art Appreciation

Homework (last grades)

All are optional. There will be no Zs.  One is extra credit, but, any/all can help your GPA. None will be accepted late.

Due 5/22 Review Darkness Upon the Classroom

Due 5/22 Advice to 2017-18 AP Bio students. Advice to Dr. G. These MUST be submitted as  google forms (links on my web page), since I don’t want to retype your words. NOTE: The advice will be provided to the student without your names/ID numbers, but, WITH your scores.

Due 5/22 EXTRA CREDIT – Write up rubrics for the 2017 FRQs

2017-FRQ Questions  https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/ap/pdf/ap-biology-frq-2017.pdf

Where do you think the rubrics will put points? What are the RIGHT answers? You can do a rubric for one, two, three or even all eight questions.  This can be submitted by hand or email by 5/22.

Due 5/26 Review Autopsy video(s)

Due 5/30 Review Harrison Bergeron, in light of Brexit, the 2016 US election, and the 2017 election in France. The key ideas I want discussed are the causes of the “Second American Revolution.”

Due 6/1 Review of Dr. Tatiana’s Guide to Sex for All Creation

Agenda and Homework updated 5/9/2017 (links updated 5/11)

Based on 40 votes (59%)

Autopsy Videos


Darkness Upon the Classroom


Dr. Tatiana's Guide to Sex


Equity-Harrison Bergeron


Dr. Gottfried's Art Appreciation 101


Statistics and a rosier future



The schedule is based in part on the length of certain parts (the autopsy & Dr. Tatiana videos are about 1 hour long, Harrison Bergeron is 1 ¾ hours, the Darkness takes about an hour and a half.

5/16 – Darkness Upon the Classroom

5/18 – AP Bio FRQs; advice to the AP Bio class of 2017-18

    Advice to DrG

    Advice to AP Bio class of 2017-18

Since I am proctoring the BIO EOC we can’t really go over the FRQs.

They can be found at  the following link

2017-FRQ Questions  https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/ap/pdf/ap-biology-frq-2017.pdf

For EXTRA Credit:  Where do you think the rubrics will put points? You can do a rubric for one, two, three or even all eight questions.  This can be submitted by hand or email by 5/22.

5/22, 23 Autopsy Videos

5/25 Harrison Bergeron

5/26 Dr. Tatiana

5/30 Dr. Tatiana

5/6, 8 (for the Juniors) Art Appreciation

Homework (last grades)

All are optional. There will be no Zs.  None are extra credit, but, they can help your GPA. None will be accepted late.

Due 5/22 Review Darkness Upon the Classroom

Due 5/22 Advice to 2017-18 AP Bio students. Advice to Dr. G. These MUST be done as the google forms. I don’t want to retype your words. NOTE: The advice will be provided to the student without your names/ID numbers, but, WITH your scores.

Due 5/22 Extra Credit-FRQ Rubrics

Due 5/26 Review Autopsy video(s)

Due 5/30 Review Harrison Bergeron, in light of Brexit, the 2016 US election, and the 2017 election in France. The key ideas I want discussed are the causes of the “Second American Revolution.”

Due 6/1 Review of Dr. Tatiana’s Guide to Sex for All Creation

Agenda and Homework updated 4/28/2017

5/2 Review

5/4 Review




après le deluge

to count, votes must be registered by 5/9 at noon


Autopsy Videos

Darkness Upon the Classroom

Equity-Harrison Bergeron

Dr. Gottfried's Art Appreciation 101

Dr. Tatiana's Guide to Sex

Statistics and a rosier future


If you have questions, I will be available next week EVERY second lunch, after school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and I will open a “chat” Sunday 5/7 at 10AM  http://backchannelchat.com/Backchannel/q2a42 


No work that is/was due prior to the AP Bio EXAM will be accepted after the Exam. (You can’t make up the review work after the exam!)


Agenda and Homework updated 4/21/2017

Survey-Did you access OneNote for class notes or handouts this year?

4/24 Practice Questions Group A-2, 3

4/26 Practice Questions Group B

4/28 Practice Questions Group C

NOTE: I have copied (from another teacher) a set of quizlet word lists by AP Biology big ideas. They are available for your use. Search for m__gottfried  We may (or may not) use more of these for quizlet.live Regardless, they are good study lists.



The packet from ?el?. 18 pages of diagrams to interpret. Боже мой


(Also in OneNote in handouts-identified as GraphicsPacket – but, it didn’t “push” to everyone’s folder, so, if it isn’t in yours, you can find it in the content library)

Some of them, you may not even know or remember the vocabulary in the diagram.


This is the first real study guide for the AP EXAM.

While you can work together, you need to be clear on the answers yourself, and each of you needs to submit an answer set.

You do not need to print the diagrams. The entire assignment can be done in the cloud.

 [unrelated, but graphic assignment] Due 4/24: Graphic organizer illustrating/defining the following: epitope, antigen, antibody

Due 4/28: Plant Structure and Function through Ecology and Behavioral Biology (the end)

Be neat and answer the questions either in your own document or on a printout of the question sheets.  We will go over a couple of the answers on 4/5, so that you will know what kind of answers I’m looking for.



Due 4/28, 5/5: Mastering Biology-Dynamic Study Modules have been assigned for a many of the text chapters. They are “adaptive” in nature. The due date for all of them is 4/28, however, they won’t be counted late until 5/5. This will allow me to check on your progress without penalizing you. If you find this type of learning useful, Mastering Biology as multiple sets/chapter and has sets I haven’t assigned. ALL are available to you, all the time. Search for dynamic study



Attention High school seniors planning to attend Miami Dade College Fall 2017


Fairchild, in partnership with Miami Dade College InterAmerican Campus is offering an 8-weeks undergraduate research experience in an orchid research laboratory on a college campus. This program will give students an opportunity to be part of Fairchild's Million Orchid Project and access to STEM writing/presentation coach and counselors. Students will receive an $800 stipend. Program is open to a limited number of high school graduates who are planning to attend MDC.


For more information email Dr. Kelly Hernandez at khernan1@mdc.edu or call the New Student Center office, 305-237-6483.



Lewis Vaughn Memorial Scholarship

Applications will be accepted until 5:00 pm Friday, April 28, 2017
Application Form  
(send recommendation letter to challenge9-12@fairchildgarden.org)


Through a generous donation from the Vaughn Jordon Foundation, Fairchild is offering two (2) $5,000 scholarships to support Fairchild Challenge high school students who plan to attend Florida International University or University of Miami and study biology, ecology, or environmental sciences. 



For further information, contact us or visit our website
challenge9-12@fairchildgarden.org | www.fairchildchallenge.org


après le deluge

to count, votes must be registered by 5/9 at noon


Autopsy Videos

Darkness Upon the Classroom

Equity-Harrison Bergeron

Dr. Gottfried's Art Appreciation 101

Dr. Tatiana's Guide to Sex

Statistics and a rosier future


Agenda and Homework updated 4/14/2017

4/18 Topic Analysis; PowerWords; Dynamic Study Modules

4/20 Chapter 51 – Ethology

NOTE: I have copied (from another teacher) a set of quizlet word lists by AP Biology big ideas. They are available for your use. Search for m__gottfried  We may (or may not) use more of these for quizlet.live Regardless, they are good study lists.


The packet from ?el?. 18 pages of diagrams to interpret. Боже мой


(Also in OneNote in handouts-identified as GraphicsPacket – but, it didn’t “push” to everyone’s folder, so, if it isn’t in yours, you can find it in the content library)

Some of them, you may not even know or remember the vocabulary in the diagram.


This is the first real study guide for the AP EXAM.

While you can work together, you need to be clear on the answers yourself, and each of you needs to submit an answer set.

You do not need to print the diagrams. The entire assignment can be done in the cloud.

Due 4/18: Chemistry of Life through Diversity of Life (inclusive)

[unrelated, but graphic assignment] Due 4/24: Graphic organizer illustrating/defining the following: epitope, antigen, antibody

Due 4/28: Plant Structure and Function through Ecology and Behavioral Biology (the end)

Be neat and answer the questions either in your own document or on a printout of the question sheets.  We will go over a couple of the answers on 4/5, so that you will know what kind of answers I’m looking for.



Due 4/28, 5/5: Mastering Biology-Dynamic Study Modules have been assigned for a many of the text chapters. They are “adaptive” in nature. The due date for all of them is 4/28, however, they won’t be counted late until 5/5. This will allow me to check on your progress without penalizing you. If you find this type of learning useful, Mastering Biology as multiple sets/chapter and has sets I haven’t assigned. ALL are available to you, all the time. Search for dynamic study


March For Science 4/22 Miami

  • As part of the nationwide March for Science events to be held on Earth Day, April 22, 2017, March for Science Miami will sponsor a rally, a march, and science expo for children of all ages and adults.
  • The purpose of this event is to celebrate the importance of science in everyday life and in the welfare of our planet. 

The event is open to all students, PK – 12, and the general public.

  • Date: Saturday, April 22, 2017, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Location:  begin at Museum Park and march at 12:00 pm to expo at Stephen P. Clark


I will be participating



2017 AP Online Scores for Students

AP® students will get their scores online in July. Please share the information below with your students, particularly those who have never taken an AP Exam before. In order to access their scores, they will need to follow these steps:



Fill in AP answer sheets carefully and consistently at exam time or during a preadministration session. Name, date of birth, sex, mailing address, and email address are especially important.



Sign up for a College Board account on the student AP scores website as early as possible. Students must have an account to access their scores.


Some students may already have an account, particularly if they’ve registered for the SAT® or participated in other College Board programs. Have them confirm this by signing in.



Remember the following required login information:


College Board account username and password


2017 AP number (or student ID number if they provided it on their AP answer sheet)



Check the score release schedule, available on the student AP scores website in May. Students will also receive a reminder email in early July.





Agenda and Homework updated 3/31/2017

4/3 Hormones; FRQ-Mitosis/Meiosis/Genetics

4/5 Packet from ?el?; FRQ-Evolution; Immunity?

4/7 [grad bash] Catch All; Quizlet.live

Seniors-Be aware that in some years students weren’t allowed on the buses to grad bash if they came late to school. ALSO, Mrs. Allen will be doing pre-bubbling for AP Exams on the morning of 4/7 in a variety of classes (including AP Bio) BE HERE!


The packet from ?el?. 18 pages of diagrams to interpret. Боже мой


(Also in OneNote in handouts-identified as GraphicsPacket – but, it didn’t “push” to everyone’s folder, so, if it isn’t in yours, you can find it in the content library)

Some of them, you may not even know or remember the vocabulary in the diagram.


This is the first real study guide for the AP EXAM.

While you can work together, you need to be clear on the answers yourself, and each of you needs to submit an answer set.

You do not need to print the diagrams. The entire assignment can be done in the cloud.

Due 4/18: Chemistry of Life through Diversity of Life (inclusive)

[unrelated, but graphic assignment] Due 4/24: Graphic organizer illustrating/defining the following: epitope, antigen, antibody

Due 4/28: Plant Structure and Function through Ecology and Behavioral Biology (the end)

Be neat and answer the questions either in your own document or on a printout of the question sheets.  We will go over a couple of the answers on 4/5, so that you will know what kind of answers I’m looking for.



Agenda and Homework updated 3/23/2017

3/28 Animal Form and Function

3/30 Nerves; FRQ-Photosynthesis & Respiration

4/3 Hormones; FRQ-Mitosis/Meiosis/Genetics

4/5 Packet from ?el?; FRQ-Evolution

4/7 [grad bash] Catch All; Quizlet.live


Due 3/27 11:59 PM Mastering CH 45 & Mastering CH 48 (~ 1hr)

Due 3/28 Nerve Conduction mini-lab; extra nerve distances

The packet from ?el?. 18 pages of diagrams to interpret. Боже мой


(Also in OneNote in handouts-identified as GraphicsPacket – but, it didn’t “push” to everyone’s folder, so, if it isn’t in yours, you can find it in the content library)

Some of them, you may not even know or remember the vocabulary in the diagram.


This is the first real study guide for the AP EXAM.

While you can work together, you need to be clear on the answers yourself, and each of you needs to submit an answer set.

You do not need to print the diagrams. The entire assignment can be done in the cloud.

Due 4/18: Chemistry of Life through Diversity of Life (inclusive)

[unrelated, but graphic assignment] Due 4/24: Graphic organizer illustrating/defining the following: epitope, antigen, antibody

Due 4/28: Plant Structure and Function through Ecology and Behavioral Biology (the end)

Be neat and answer the questions either in your own document or on a printout of the question sheets.  We will go over a couple of the answers on 4/5, so that you will know what kind of answers I’m looking for.



The Time Has Come for serious study.

I will be assigning a series of review questions in Mastering Biology after Spring Break

Seriously, they are an excellent way to prepare for the exam.

You should also have, and be working through, a review book (or more than one).

Study groups would be a great help as you prepare, but, I can’t arrange those for you.

If I were to arrange for after school or Saturday tutoring, would you (a) be interested (b) come?

Think about it.

I know that many of you don’t even realize you have a book that is available through Mastering Biology. While some students prepare for exams using Khan Academy, Bozeman Biology and Crash Course, others use the chapter summaries in the book. There is a table of contents in the shared folder where the most relevant sections have been highlighted. It can guide you as to what parts of the book are most important.

Agenda and Homework updated 3/17/2017

3/20 (1-6) Animal Form and Function

3/21 (1-6) Animal Form and Function

3/23 (2,4,6) Nerves (CH 48); Nerve conduction mini-lab; Hormones (CH 45)


Grades collected by 3/17 will be part of the 3rd marking period. Grades collected on or after 3/20 will be part of the fourth marking period. Late work submitted by 3/17 WILL be graded in time for report cards. Late work submitted after that date may or may not be graded in time. As usual, I will try to get to everything, but, after 3/17 I make no guarantees.

Due 3/20 Nerve Form http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-Nerves-2017.html

Due 3/23 – 4 FRQs

Due 3/27 11:59 PM Mastering CH 45 & Mastering CH 48 (~ 1hr)

Due 3/28 Nerve Conduction mini-lab

The packet from ?el?. 18 pages of diagrams to interpret. Боже мой


(Also in OneNote in handouts-identified as GraphicsPacket – but, it didn’t “push” to everyone’s folder, so, if it isn’t in yours, you can find it in the content library)

Some of them, you may not even know or remember the vocabulary in the diagram.


This is the first real study guide for the AP EXAM.

While you can work together, you need to be clear on the answers yourself, and each of you needs to submit an answer set.

You do not need to print the diagrams. The entire assignment can be done in the cloud.

Due 4/18: Chemistry of Life through Diversity of Life (inclusive)

[unrelated, but graphic assignment] Due 4/24: Graphic organizer illustrating/defining the following: epitope, antigen, antibody

Due 4/28: Plant Structure and Function through Ecology and Behavioral Biology (the end)

Be neat and answer the questions either in your own document or on a printout of the question sheets.  We will go over a couple of the answers on 4/5, so that you will know what kind of answers I’m looking for.



Agenda and Homework updated 3/10/2017

3/13 DNA Tech

3/14 DNA Tech

3/16 FRQ; DNA Tech; Animal Form and Function [hint: if you go to quizlet.com and search for m__gottfried (m underline underline gottfried - don't ask) you will find a word list called Chapter 40 Animal Form and Function; studying that list might be helpful]

3/17 Nerves

OneNote has been acting up and I’m not certain that all the lecture notes “pushed” to your folders. If something isn’t in yours, you can find it in the content library.


Due 3/12 11:59PM Mastering Biology Chapter 20 (45 minutes all activities)

Due 3/13 Research Epigenetics and prepare a 1 page summary that could be given to potential parents, honors biology students or a newspaper. Highlight the new information since the videos. If you were (will be) absent on 3/8 one of the videos can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gBHtGS0kZM

(Due to copyright reasons the other video is not available on YouTube.)

Due 3/14 DNA-Tech Forms (ALL 6 of them!)  you can work in small groups 1-3, but, each of you is responsible for ALL the answers. I STRONGLY suggest you work together, not distribute the work.

DNATech-I http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormI-2017.html 
DNATech-II http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormII-2017.html 
DNATech-III http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormIII-2017.html 
DNATech-IV http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormIV-2017.html. 
DNATech-V  http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormV-2017.html 
DNATech-VI http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormVI-2017.html 

Due 3/1711:59 PM Mastering Biology Chapter 40 (30 minutes)

Grades collected by 3/17 will be part of the 3rd marking period. Grades collected on or after 3/20 will be part of the fourth marking period. Late work submitted by 3/17 WILL be graded in time for report cards. Late work submitted after that date may or may not be graded in time. As usual, I will try to get to everything, but, after 3/17 I make no guarantees.

Due 3/20 Nerve Form  http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-Nerves-2017.html 

 Due 3/20 READ Cell-Cell Communication (from Biology in Focus). It can be found in OneNote (handouts) and in the shared folder

The packet from ?el?. 18 pages of diagrams to interpret. Боже мой


(Also in OneNote in handouts-identified as GraphicsPacket – but, it didn’t “push” to everyone’s folder, so, if it isn’t in yours, you can find it in the content library)

Some of them, you may not even know or remember the vocabulary in the diagram.


This is the first real study guide for the AP EXAM.

While you can work together, you need to be clear on the answers yourself, and each of you needs to submit an answer set.

You do not need to print the diagrams. The entire assignment can be done in the cloud.

Due 4/18: Chemistry of Life through Diversity of Life (inclusive)

Due 4/24: Graphic organizer illustrating/defining the following: epitope, antigen, antibody

Due 4/28: Plant Structure and Function through Ecology and Behavioral Biology (the end)

Be neat and answer the questions either in your own document or on a printout of the question sheets.  We will go over a couple of the answers on 4/5, so that you will know what kind of answers I’m looking for.



FYI-I will be showing Gattaca on 3/13-3/14 (half the first day, half the second) in periods 1, 3, 6. If you get a pass from your teacher, you can join us.  


Agenda and Homework updated 3/3/2017

3/6 (2,4,6) DNQ-CH18-2; Eukaryotic Gene Control ;  

3/8  Ghost in Your Genes (Videos)

3/10 DNQL; DNA Tech – Bring devices!


Due 3/5 11:59 PM Mastering Biology Chapter 18 (35 minutes-all activities)

Due 3/6 Gene Regulation Form: http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-GeneControl2017.html

Due 3/12 11:59PM Mastering Biology Chapter 20 (45 minutes all activities)

Due 3/13 Research Epigenetics and prepare a 1 page summary that could be given to potential parents, honors biology students or a newspaper. Highlight the new information since the videos. If you were (will be) absent on 3/8 one of the videos can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gBHtGS0kZM

(Due to copyright reasons the other video is not available on YouTube.)

Due 3/14 DNA-Tech Forms (ALL 6 of them!)  you can work in small groups 1-3, but, each of you is responsible for ALL the answers. I STRONGLY suggest you work together, not distribute the work.

DNATech-I http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormI-2017.html 
DNATech-II http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormII-2017.html 
DNATech-III http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormIII-2017.html 
DNATech-IV http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormIV-2017.html. 
DNATech-V  http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormV-2017.html 
DNATech-VI http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormVI-2017.html 

FYI-I will be showing Gattaca on 3/13-3/14 (half the first day, half the second) in periods 1, 3, 6. If you get a pass from your teacher, you can join us.  


·        The Department of Mathematics and Science is requesting that all senior high school principals, assistant principals, and teachers inform all graduating seniors about the availability of the Exxon Mobil Bernard Harris Math and Science Scholarships.

·        The Exxon Mobil Bernard Harris Math and Science Scholarships are named after the first African American to walk in space.

·        On behalf of the former NASA astronaut, physician, and businessman, Dr. Bernard Harris and Exxon Mobil, the scholarships are:

·        Four (4) scholarships for two males and two females for $5000.00 each.

·        Awards will be presented to two (2) African American and two (2) Hispanic students.

·        The deadline for the application is April 10, 2017.

·        Scholarship guidelines and description:  To apply, click on the link below:


·        For more information please visit the Council of the Great City Schools website, http://www.cgcs.org/Page/47


Agenda and Homework updated 2/24/2017

FYI-We will be doing a lot of these Schoology (or other) quick quizzes. If you miss one, with an excused tardy or absence it becomes an X. If it is unexcused a Z. There is no making them up. I will probably combine them so that 20-25 questions = 1 grade

Bring Devices-I hope you will be able to use some class time for the Gene Regulation Form.

2/28 (2,4,6) DNQ-CH 17-2; Central Dogma Wrap up; Gene Regulatoin

3/2 (2,4,6) DNQ-CH18-1; Gene Regulation; Lac/Trp Operons

3/6 (2,4,6) DNQ-CH18-2; Operons

[FYI-DNQ=Do Now Quiz]







Due 3/5 11:59 PM Mastering Biology Chapter 18 (35 minutes-all activities)

Due 3/6 Gene Regulation Form: http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-GeneControl2017.html


Last call for volunteers-Sunny Isles event 3/9 – On Your Own (NOT A FIELD TRIP) Support ATM, Community Service/Extra Credit

Agenda and Homework updated 2/17/2017


2/21 (1-6) DNA->Protein; MakeItStick-Bad Habits (mine)-starting next class at least a quiz every other day. 5-10 questions; low value; MAKE SURE YOU CAN ACCESS SCHOOLOGY

If you don’t remember your login/password I can give you your login and reset your password

If you REALLY need to sign up for a new account

Period 2: Access code: FBG37-NH8GK

Period 4: Access code: K9HGV-67V6S


2/23 (2,4,6) & 2/24 (1-6; yes I know it will be Senior Picnic and Juniors going to )  DNA-Central Dogma Modules You already did “I”

NOW-II, III, VII, VIII – NOTE: These are individual! You can work together, but, each person has to submit answers in their own words.







Bring devices 2/23, 24

Due 2/20 11:59 pm Mastering Biology Chapter 17 (1.5 hour)

Due 2/21 BLAST Lab (groups)


I am happy to announce that we now accepting applications for the summer 2017 Howard Hughes Medical Institute High School Summer Scholars Program at the University of Miami.  I am sending you this year’s application (attached). 


The program will run from Monday, June 12 - Thursday, July 27, 2017.  The application deadline is Friday, March 17, 2017. 

Here is the link to the program website that you can share with your students:
As we did last year, we will be accepting students who are entering their senior year in fall 2017.  Students must be 16 years of age by the program start date.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.  We look forward to receiving your students' applications.

All the best,

Joanna Weremijewicz, PhD

Postdoctoral Associate

HHMI Research Training Program Coordinator


Science News Extra Credit [don't ask about this in class]

Agenda and Homework updated 2/10/2017

 Schedule Survey-(closes 2/17)

2/13 – Chapters 12-16 – 65 MC; NO FRQ; Study guide in the shared folder and in OneNote

2/14-The science of love; Data Entry from test; BLAST LAB (handout will be distributed, but, it is also available in OneNote and in the shared folder. Since cutting and pasting is easier for this activity, the Word Doc in the shared folder may be your best source).

2/16 BLAST LAB; DNA->Protein (chapter 17)

2/17 DNA->Protein


Bring devices 2/14, 16

Due 2/13 DNA extraction questions

Due 2/20 11:59 pm Mastering Biology Chapter 17 (1.5 hour)

Due 2/21 BLAST Lab (groups)

I am happy to announce that we now accepting applications for the summer 2017 Howard Hughes Medical Institute High School Summer Scholars Program at the University of Miami.  I am sending you this year’s application (attached). 


The program will run from Monday, June 12 - Thursday, July 27, 2017.  The application deadline is Friday, March 17, 2017. 

Here is the link to the program website that you can share with your students:
As we did last year, we will be accepting students who are entering their senior year in fall 2017.  Students must be 16 years of age by the program start date.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.  We look forward to receiving your students' applications.

All the best,

Joanna Weremijewicz, PhD

Postdoctoral Associate

HHMI Research Training Program Coordinator


Agenda and Homework updated 2/2/2017

2/6 (2, 4, 6) DNA Structure and replication

2/8 (2, 4, 6) DNA Extraction; DNA Structure and replication (models)

2/10 (2, 4, 6) Review Chapters 12-16

2/13 – Chapters 12-16 – 65 MC; NO FRQ; Study guide in the shared folder and in OneNote

2/14-Data Entry from test; BLAST LAB (handout will be distributed, but, it is also available in OneNote and in the shared folder. Since cutting and pasting is easier for this activity, the Word Doc in the shared folder may be your best source, or the version in OneNote in "my" Content folder-Handouts Tab).

2/16 BLAST LAB; DNA->Protein (chapter 17)

2/17 DNA->Protein


Bring devices 2/14, 16

Due 2/5 11:59 pm Mastering Biology Chapter 15 (1 hour) & Chapter 16 (1 hour)

Due 2/13 DNA extraction questions

Due 2/20 11:59 pm Mastering Biology Chapter 17 (1.5 hour)

Due 2/21 BLAST Lab (groups)


Agenda and Homework updated 1/27/2017

1/31 (2,4,6) Mapping, chi square problems

2/2(2,4,6) take your child to work day; General review



Due 1/31 Fruit Fly mapping & complex traits

Due 2/5 11:50 pm Mastering Biology Chapter 15 (1 hour) & Chapter 16 (1 hour)

Agenda and Homework updated 1/20/2017

1/24 (1-6) Mono & Di-hybrid crosses; Fruit Fly simulation lab wrap up; χ2

1/26 (block) Chi Square Problems; Beyond Mendel; Mapping

1/27 (1-6) Fly lab mapping/complex traits



Plan on brining devices on 1/24, 27  [Fruit fly simulation lab]

Due 1/24 Mono-hybrid simulation report (pair)

Due 1/24 Di-hybrid simulation report (pair)

Due 1/27 Fruit Fly Simulation Lab (group)

Due 1/31 Fruit Fly mapping & complex traits



Genetics of Sporks
Expected Probability Total Actual Probability Predicted Number
O O 0.25 427   0.2586 412.75
O o 0.5 794   0.4809 825.5
o o 0.25 430   0.2604 412.75
Genetics of Sporks and Cards
Expected Probability Total
O-- B -- 0.5625 913   0.5523 929.8125
O-- b b 0.1875 345   0.2087 309.9375
o o B -- 0.1875 285   0.1724 309.9375
o o b b  0.0625 110   0.0665 103.3125

Agenda and Homework updated 1/13/2017

1/17 Mono-hybrid and di-hybrid crosses

1/19 Fruit Fly Simulation Lab

1/20 Fruit Fly Simulation Lab



Due 1/17 FRQ: Explain in detail, with diagrams, how meiosis explains Mendel’s laws.

Plan on bringing devices on 1/19 & 1/20 & probably 1/24 [Fruit fly simulation lab]

Due 1/24 Mono-hybrid simulation report (pair)

Due 1/24 Di-hybrid simulation report (pair)

Due 1/27 Fruit Fly Simulation Lab (group)

Long term data for the photosynthesis/respiration experiment can be found at this web page Long Term and in the ClassNotes section of OneNote (I think).

Agenda and Homework updated 12/23

 1/9 (1-6) Mendelian Genetics

1/10 (1-6) Mendelian Genetics Problems

1/12 (2, 4, 6) Brave New World” meets “Gattaca”

1/13 Recap: How meiosis explains Mendel’s laws.



Due 1/8/2017-Mastering Biology – Chapter 14 (MC & Activities – 2 hours)

Due 1/8/2017 Genetics Form-I (OnLine) & Genetics Form-II (OnLine)

Genetics 1 http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/GeneticsFormI.html

Genetics 2 http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/GeneticsFormII.html

Due 1/8/2017 Sealed “world” predictions: In class I will have sealed several mung beans in flasks with CO2 probes. Predict the graph (sketch it) that the SPARK probe will record over the 4 weeks.  Explain your graph (IN DETAIL).

Due 1/13 Sealed world explanation (based on read data, which will be posted on 1/9)

Due 1/17 FRQ: Explain in detail, with diagrams, how meiosis explains Mendel’s laws.

Plan on brining devices on 1/19 & 1/20 [Fruit fly simulation lab]

OneNote link (I think): https://miamidadeschools-my.sharepoint.com/personal/151880_dadeschools_net/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=ff5x21XPiLnlhGbXyFTTzV3GpxO8O6a5DmB%2f2eC7A%2fY%3d&folderid=187122a6563754eabb3091d9a03d91b98&rev=1


“Brave New World” meets “Gattaca” - Due 1/12/2017

Be prepared to discuss/debate the follow topics. You can have index cards or other preparation. This discussion will be conducted in a way substantially different from anything I have tried before. You will NEED to have multiple arguments, both pro and con, for each issue.  It WILL be a free-for-all rather than an organized debate/discussion. If you sit quietly you won’t get a good grade.


1-GMO crops/foods (eg. GMO corn, GMO  salmon)

2-CRISPR editing of genomes

3-Theraputic gene therapies

4-Germ line (sperm/egg) gene therapies

5-IVF for genetically unusual situations (sperm don’t swim, two mothers-no father; three parents-two fathers-egg donor etc.)

6-Advice to a pregnant mother, based on genetic testing of the fetus

7- Eugenics, based on genetics rather than prejudice

8-Stem cell research using fetal cells

9-Large scale DNA fingerprint databases (not just convicted criminals)




Agenda and Homework updated 12/15

Check out the air potato and the decomposition experiments in the back. Really. The fungus is doing something “weird.”

12/16 (2. 4. 6) BRING DEVICES Cell Cycle & Mitosis-DEVICES For E-lab (4 electronic forms)  

Cell Cycle http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-CellCycleControl.html

Arizona-Mitosis http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-Mitosis.html

Arizona-Meiosis http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-Meiosis.html

Onion Cell Mitosis Simulated Lab  http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/onioncellmitosis/MitosisLab.html

Advice-Do in a document/OneNote because the forms don’t remember you; I can put two submissions together, but it will “cost” you points if I have to

12/19 (1-6) Cell Cycle; Mitosis

12/20 (1-6) Meiosis

12/22 (2, 4, 6) Simple Genetics

12/23 (1-6) Chi Square Introduction



Due 12/18 Mastering Biology Chapter 12 & Mastering Biology Chapter 13 (2 hours)

Due 12/23 4 forms from the E-lab


Yes-You have to do something over break (besides sleep).

Due 1/8/2017-Mastering Biology – Chapter 14 (MC & Activities – 2 hours)

Due 1/8/2017 Genetics Form-I (OnLine) & Genetics Form-II (OnLine)

Genetics 1 http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/GeneticsFormI.html

Genetics 2 http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/GeneticsFormII.html

Due 1/8/2017 Sealed “world” predictions: In class I will have sealed several mung beans in flasks with CO2 probes. Predict the graph (sketch it) that the SPARK probe will record over the 4 weeks.  Explain your graph (IN DETAIL).


OneNote link (I think): https://miamidadeschools-my.sharepoint.com/personal/151880_dadeschools_net/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=ff5x21XPiLnlhGbXyFTTzV3GpxO8O6a5DmB%2f2eC7A%2fY%3d&folderid=187122a6563754eabb3091d9a03d91b98&rev=1



“Brave New World” meets “Gattaca” - Due 1/17-19/2017 (date to be determined once the January Block schedule is settled)

Be prepared to discuss/debate the follow topics. You can have index cards or other preparation. This discussion will be conducted in a way substantially different from anything I have tried before. You will NEED to have multiple arguments, both pro and con, for each issue.  It WILL be a free-for-all rather than an organized debate/discussion. If you sit quietly you won’t get a good grade.


1-GMO crops/foods (eg. GMO corn, GMO  salmon)

2-CRISPR editing of genomes

3-Theraputic gene therapies

4-Germ line (sperm/egg) gene therapies

5-IVF for genetically unusual situations (sperm don’t swim, two mothers-no father; three parents-two fathers-egg donor etc.)

6-Advice to a pregnant mother, based on genetic testing of the fetus

7- Eugenics, based on genetics rather than prejudice

8-Stem cell research using fetal cells

9-Large scale DNA fingerprint databases (not just convicted criminals)




Agenda and Homework updated 12/1

[Science News Extra Credit]

12/6 (2, 4, 6) Photosynthesis; Box Model

12/8 (2, 4, 6) Photosynthesis Lab

12/12 (2, 4, 6) Respiration & Photosynthesis Wrap Up/Review for EXAM CH 6-10 (mostly 9, 10) Multiple choice AND FRQ

12/14 (2, 4, 6) EXAM CH 6-10 (CH 6-10Q, CH 7-10Q, CH8-10Q. CH9-15Q, CH10-15Q) Multiple choice AND FRQ [study guide available in OneNote & Google Shared Folder]

12/16 (2. 4. 6) BRING DEVICES Cell Cycle & Mitosis-DEVICES For E-lab (4 electronic forms)  

Cell Cycle http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-CellCycleControl.html

Arizona-Mitosis http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-Mitosis.html

Arizona-Meiosis http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-Meiosis.html

Onion Cell Mitosis Simulated Lab  http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/onioncellmitosis/MitosisLab.html

Advice-Do in a document/OneNote because the forms don’t remember you; I can put two submissions together, but it will “cost” you points if I have to

12/19 (1-6) Cell Cycle; Mitosis

12/20 (1-6) Meiosis

12/22 (2, 4, 6) Simple Genetics (includes  activity but no report)

12/23 (1-6) Chi Square Introduction (includes activity but no report)



Due 12/5 (11:59 PM) Mastering Biology CH 10 – Photosynthesis (75 min)

Due 12/6 Respiration Lab Report

Due 12/6 Do DNA Central Dogma Form I. Especially question 1 (the rest really only need short answers).


Due 12/8 Photosynthesis Box Model

Due 12/11 Mastering Biology Practice Questions (not a test, but, 100 test-prep review questions on Photosynthesis and Respiration (75-90 min)

Due 12/12 Photosynthesis Lab

Due 12/18 Mastering Biology Chapter 12 & Mastering Biology Chapter 13 (2 hours)

Due 12/23 4 forms from the E-lab


Yes-You have to do something over break (besides sleep).

Due 1/8/2017-Mastering Biology – Chapter 14 (MC & Activities – 2 hours)

Due 1/8/2017 Genetics Form-I (OnLine) & Genetics Form-II (OnLine)

Genetics 1 http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/GeneticsFormI.html

Genetics 2 http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/GeneticsFormII.html

Due 1/8/2017 Sealed “world” predictions: In class I will have sealed several mung beans in flasks with CO2 probes. Predict the graph (sketch it) that the SPARK probe will record over the 4 weeks.  Explain your graph (IN DETAIL).


OneNote link : https://miamidadeschools-my.sharepoint.com/personal/151880_dadeschools_net/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=ff5x21XPiLnlhGbXyFTTzV3GpxO8O6a5DmB%2f2eC7A%2fY%3d&folderid=187122a6563754eabb3091d9a03d91b98&rev=1


“Brave New World” meets “Gattaca” - Due 1/17-19/2017 (date to be determined once the January Block schedule is settled)

Be prepared to discuss/debate the follow topics. You can have index cards or other preparation. This discussion will be conducted in a way substantially different from anything I have tried before. You will NEED to have multiple arguments, both pro and con, for each issue.  It WILL be a free-for-all rather than an organized debate/discussion. If you sit quietly you won’t get a good grade.


1-GMO crops/foods (eg. GMO corn, GMO  salmon)

2-CRISPR editing of genomes

3-Theraputic gene therapies

4-Germ line (sperm/egg) gene therapies

5-IVF for genetically unusual situations (sperm don’t swim, two mothers-no father; three parents-two fathers-egg donor etc.)

6-Advice to a pregnant mother, based on genetic testing of the fetus

7- Eugenics, based on genetics rather than prejudice

8-Stem cell research using fetal cells

9-Large scale DNA fingerprint databases (not just convicted criminals)




Agenda and Homework updated 11/25

11/28 Respiration Lab: The effect of temperature on respiration rate

11/30 Respiration-ETC

12/2 Life’s Story-the discovery of the structure of DNA [senior luncheon]


Due 12/5 (11:59 PM) Mastering Biology CH 10 – Photosynthesis (75 min)

Due 12/6 Do DNA Central Dogma Form I. Especially question 1 (the rest really only need short answers).


 Due 12/6 Respiration Lab Report

OneNote link (I think): https://miamidadeschools-my.sharepoint.com/personal/151880_dadeschools_net/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=ff5x21XPiLnlhGbXyFTTzV3GpxO8O6a5DmB%2f2eC7A%2fY%3d&folderid=187122a6563754eabb3091d9a03d91b98&rev=1


Agenda and Homework updated 11/10

11/15 Enzymes Wrap-up; Devices-Quizlet.Live

NOTE: 11/15  Openly Secular Day is on November 15 this yearsecular



11/17 Cell Drawing Quiz; Respiration Box Model; Chemistry/Biochemistry exam review

11/21 Respiration-Glycolysis, Krebs

11/28 Respiration Lab: The effect of temperature on respiration rate

11/30 Respiration-ETC

12/2 Life’s Story-the discovery of the structure of DNA [senior luncheon]


Due 11/15 Yeast Catalase Lab – 2

Extra Credit Due 11/19 11:59 PM- Enzyme Kinetics  

Due 11/20 (11:59 PM) Mastering Biology CH 9 (approx. 70 min)

Due 11/21 Respiration Box Model (5 connected boxes!)

Due 12/6 Do DNA Central Dogma Form I. Especially question 1 (the rest really only need short answers).



OneNote link (I think): https://miamidadeschools-my.sharepoint.com/personal/151880_dadeschools_net/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=ff5x21XPiLnlhGbXyFTTzV3GpxO8O6a5DmB%2f2eC7A%2fY%3d&folderid=187122a6563754eabb3091d9a03d91b98&rev=1


Do you want extra credit?  Link above
Are you good with computers (or have friends who are)?
There is an enzyme kinetics assignment I have floating around from 2009.
It used a site that used a Java applet (a no-no in 2016).
I has been updated. You have to download and install the software. 
It is very good at modelling what happens with enzymes and substrates. It can be done in small groups (max 3).
It is be due Saturday  11/19-11:59 PM 

Agenda and Homework updated 11/4

11/7 (1-6) Enzymes

11/8 VOTE

11/10 (2-4-6) Enzymes; Yeast Catalase lab – 2 (independent variable/probe?)



Due 11/7 Yeast Catalase lab

Due   11/7 (11:59 PM) Mastering Biology CH 7 (approx. 65 min)

Due   11/9 (11:59 PM) Mastering Biology CH 8 (approx. 45 min)

Due 11/15 Yeast Catalase Lab – 2


OneNote link (I think): https://miamidadeschools-my.sharepoint.com/personal/151880_dadeschools_net/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=ff5x21XPiLnlhGbXyFTTzV3GpxO8O6a5DmB%2f2eC7A%2fY%3d&folderid=187122a6563754eabb3091d9a03d91b98&rev=1


Agenda and Homework updated 10/28

FYI-There seems to be some confusion as to (a) when a report is a group project and when it is individual work (b) what constitutes a lab report


(a)   Unless it says (group) on the web page, assume it is individual work

(b)   Data collection, done in class, is not a lab report. While the formats may vary, all reports require some kind of analysis and writing. Just turning in the data you collected will not even get you a 50. If you do not have any idea how to organize a lab report (really, do you want me to contact your previous science teachers and see if you are lying?) there is a sample format in the “Don’t Panic” information page (see the top of this page for the link).

FYI-Grade overrides. 59, 69, 79, 89- based on (a) mercy (b) no zeros. (If you had done that zero even late, for a 50, you wouldn’t be in the 9er position .

10/31 (1-6) Cells, Enzyme Activity

11/1 (1-6) Paperclipase

11/3 (2, 4, 6) Yeast Catalase

11/4 (1-6) Membranes



Due 10/31 Osmosis Lab (individual report/conclusions) (Handout-either in shared folder or OneNote) Data Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qv7pdlsbvjEz4QqYBWHPT8uwU6-gWXYgZtJ_fIQISWI/edit?usp=sharing

Due 11/4 Osmosis & Water Potential Modeling ((Handout-either in shared folder or OneNote)  (can be done in pairs)

Due 11/7 Yeast Catalase lab

Due   11/7 (11:59 PM) Mastering Biology CH 7 (approx. 65 min)

Due   11/9 (11:59 PM) Mastering Biology CH 8 (approx. 45 min)

Paperclipase will be an in-class group grade (on a white board)

  • FIU is inviting parents and students to the QBIC Open House to learn more about the program and to meet QBIC faculty and current students while touring classrooms in session (see attached flyer for details).
  • Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2016
  • Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • Location: Florida International University; 11200 SW 8th Street, Room CBC 152  Miami, Florida  33199

OneNote link (I think): https://miamidadeschools-my.sharepoint.com/personal/151880_dadeschools_net/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=ff5x21XPiLnlhGbXyFTTzV3GpxO8O6a5DmB%2f2eC7A%2fY%3d&folderid=187122a6563754eabb3091d9a03d91b98&rev=1

Science News Extra Credit: Due 11/4



Passcode: f181afca2a

Tracking ID: snhs_102221_fl-164070

Read:  Scientists need to redraw picture of cell’s biggest organelle

What function of the ER did we not mention or discuss at ALL? Should this new information be incorporated into Dr. G.’s lessons, and if so, how, and if not, why not?

Read: HIV came to NYC at least a decade before virus ID’d

Why is this important in understanding the HIV epidemic? Does this relate to the current Zika scare in any way?

Read: Staph infections still a concern [click: menu, Science News Magazine, the magzine with the Coral Comeback on the cover,  Staph infections article from the menu on the left]

Why is this news? What are the key points to get from the two short pieces related to Staph.


You can email me questions.

Agenda and Homework updated 10/21

10/24 EXAM Chapter 5 10/24. Start studying! (50 mc, 1 frq) (first grade of the 2nd marking period)

10/26 Cells; SA:Vol no-report catalase mini-lab; set-up osmosis lab

10/28 Cells; osmosis lab

Data for the osmosis lab will be shared in a google doc (OneNote isn’t as good at sharing data tables)

Data Link for Potato Lab was here


Any late work for the first marking period submitted after 10/21 will only be graded if time allows.

Due 10/31 Osmosis Lab (individual report/conclusions) (Handout-either in shared folder or OneNote)

Due 11/4 Osmosis & Water Potential Modeling (Handout-either in shared folder or OneNote) (can be done in pairs)

AP Curriculum Review 11/19 (Saturday) by bus from ATM (7:00 AM-2:30; session is 8:00-1:30) 4 volunteers

Agenda and Homework updated 10/14

10/18 (2, 4, 6) Cells (Chapter 6)

10/20 (2, 4, 6) On The Shoulders of Giants


Any late work for the first marking period needs to be submitted by 10/21 to be graded in time.

Due 10/20 Annotated Drawing of Prokaryotic, Plant, Animal Cells (wait until class 10/18)

There will be a major test on Chapter 5 10/24. Start studying! (50 mc, 1 frq) (first grade of the 2nd marking period)


DUE 10/20: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.



Science News Extra Credit: Due 10/21  (part of 1st marking period)



Passcode: f181afca2a

Tracking ID: snhs_102221_fl-164070

Read:  Evolution of antibiotic resistant superbus captured on video

                Write and email me how this article relates to what we have learned so far this year. (A couple of paragraphs will do.) I will not discuss this in class or announce this anywhere other than on the web page.

Read: All non-Africans descend from one ancestral migration

Write and email me how this article relates to what we have learned so far this year. (A couple of paragraphs will do.) I will not discuss this in class or announce this anywhere other than on the web page.

 Read: The hybrid  factor

Write and email me how this article relates to what we have learned so far this year. (A couple of paragraphs will do.) I will not discuss this in class or announce this anywhere other than on the web page.


You can email me questions.



Agenda and Homework updated 10/6 Stay safe and dry

Rescheduled-Review session Friday 10/14 afterschool to go over the test

If you don’t know the basics the more complicated stuff will be completely foreign to you


10/11 (2, 4, 6) Observe Mosquito larvae (?); Air Potato; Decomposition; protein structure; models; pattern matching

10/14 (2, 4, 6) nucleic acids; pattern matching; models; Cells



Due 10/11 Schoology Biochemistry TakeHome Evaluation

Due 10/17 11:59 PM: Mastering Biology Chapter 6 (80 min) Cells [NOTE DATE CHANGE DUE TO MATHEW]


NB: Pattern Matching II is a grade, but, it is done entirely in class.


DUE 10/20: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.




$10 OnLine Visa/MC also available through your portal (or the parent portal)


OneNote link (I think): https://miamidadeschools-my.sharepoint.com/personal/151880_dadeschools_net/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=ff5x21XPiLnlhGbXyFTTzV3GpxO8O6a5DmB%2f2eC7A%2fY%3d&folderid=187122a6563754eabb3091d9a03d91b98&rev=1


Agenda and Homework updated 9/30

Test grades were poor: Review session Friday afterschool to go over the test; If you don’t know the basics the more complicated stuff will be completely foreign to you

Review session Friday afterschool to go over the test

If you don’t know the basics the more complicated stuff will be completely foreign to you

10/4 (1-6) Lipids; proteins; pattern matching; models

10/6 (2,4, 6) Observe Mosquito larvae (?); Air Potato; Decomposition; protein structure; models; pattern matching

10/7 (1-6) nucleic acids; pattern matching; models


Due 9/28 11:59PM Mastering Biology Chapter 5 (80-90 min) Most Important background assignment so far!

Due 10/4 Fat lab

Due 10/4 Essay 250-500 words: What are the important bonds in biology?

Due 10/11 Schoology Biochemistry TakeHome Evaluation

NB: Pattern Matching II is a grade, but, it is done entirely in class.

Due 10/13 11:59PM Mastering Biology Chapter 6 (80 min) Cells

DUE 10/20: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.




$10 OnLine Visa/MC also available through your portal (or the parent portal)


OneNote link (I think): https://miamidadeschools-my.sharepoint.com/personal/151880_dadeschools_net/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=ff5x21XPiLnlhGbXyFTTzV3GpxO8O6a5DmB%2f2eC7A%2fY%3d&folderid=187122a6563754eabb3091d9a03d91b98&rev=1


Science News Extra Credit: Due 10/7



Passcode: f181afca2a

Tracking ID: snhs_102221_fl-164070

Read: Tasmanian devils evolve resistance to contagious cancer

                Write and email me how this article relates to what we have learned so far this year. (A couple of paragraphs will do.) I will not discuss this in class or announce this anywhere other than on the web page.

Read: Greenland may be home to Earth’s oldest fossils

Write and email me how this article relates to what we have learned so far this year. (A couple of paragraphs will do.) I will not discuss this in class or announce this anywhere other than on the web page. 


You can email me questions.



Agenda and Homework updated 9/23

9/26 (1-6) Carbon, Biochemistry (models); pattern matching

9/27 (1-6) Biochemistry (models); pattern matching

9/29 (2, 4, 6 Early Release) Fat Lab; pattern matching

9/30 (1-6) Exam/Quiz chapters 2-4


Due 9/28 11:59PM Mastering Biology Chapter 5 (80-90 min) Most Important background assignment so far!

Due 10/4 Fat lab

Due 10/4 Essay 250-500 words: What are the important bonds in biology?


NB: Pattern Matching II is a grade, but, it is done entirely in class.

DUE 10/20: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.




$10 OnLine Visa/MC also available through your portal (or the parent portal)

Agenda and Homework updated 9/16

FYI-Progress Reports Go Home 9/22


9/20 Observe Decomposition, Air Potato, Growing seeds; Chemistry review, Intro to biochemistry; model work

9/22 Observe Decomposition, Air Potato, Growing seeds; Pattern Matching I & II

9/23 Observe Decomposition, Air Potato, Growing seeds; Biochemistry



Due 9/19 11:59PM Mastering Biology Chapter 2, 3 (1 hour)

Due 9/21 11:59PM Mastering Biology Chapter 4 (30 min)

Due 9/23 Clear drawings of: methane, ethane, methanol, ethanol, α ring form glucose, sucrose, oleic acid, glycine, alanine, cholesterol

Due 9/28 11:59PM Mastering Biology Chapter 5 (80-90 min) Most Important background assignment so far!

NB: Pattern Matching II is a grade, but, it is done entirely in class on 9/22.

DUE 10/20: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.




$10 OnLine Visa/MC also available through your portal (or the parent portal)


Senior-Silver Knights!!!!    Think about whether you qualify.

Link for Germination Data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O5eTf-75BYh-9_rrlVUtmpbpXp2kVvHpiimLE8z7vzE/edit?usp=sharing

Agenda and Homework updated 9/9

9/13 (even block): Start germination rate lab; H-W problems; Modern Synthesis

9/14 (1-6 Picture day): Evolution Quiz (25Q)

9/16 (even block): Observe germination rate lab;  Continue as plant growth lab; Modern Synthesis; Chemistry review, Intro to biochemistry


Due 9/9 11:59 PM First “Big” Mastering Biology Assignment. Questions, animations, tutorials – approximately 75 minutes

Due 9/9 11:59 Schoology Open-Book Evolution Quiz (40 questions)-You get 3 tries.

Due 9/13 [note change due to block] Fisherbeast (individual report)-DO NOT JUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON THE HANDOUT (THAT HANDOUT IS FOR HONORS) Your report should specifically address how the FB activity simulates (or fails to simulate) Dr. G’s 6 steps in evolutionary theory (OCVANS). It should compare the different group results and look at the data for punctuated equilibria and gradualism.  You should think about coevolution and other flaws in the simulation.

Due 9/13 H-W lab (packet)

Due 9/16 Read (from shared folder) Understanding Evolutionary Trees

Due 9/16 Making cladograms handout (you have to print your own)-can be done as pairs. Groups of 3 or more will be penalized 10 points for each person over 2

Due 9/19 11:59PM Mastering Biology Chapter 2, 3 (1 hour)

Due 9/21 11:59PM Mastering Biology Chapter 4 (30 min)

DUE 10/20: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.




$10 OnLine Visa/MC also available through your portal (or the parent portal)

Coming soon- Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors PSAT-Advice-TAKE IT

Hardy Weinberg Data (if you misplaced the packet there is a copy in the shared folder-Lab 8)
You should base you answers to the questions on the totals (except for 8E-Genetic Drift-where there are 10 groups)
8A-Tasting Per 2 Per 4 total  
Tasters 23 20 43  
Non-Tasters 17 11 28  
8B-Random Per 2 Per 4 total
AA 6 13 19
Aa 25 10 35
aa 8 8 16
8C-Selection Per 2 Per 4 total
AA 28 22 50
Aa 11 9 20
aa     0
8D-Heterozygote Advantage Per 2 Per 4 total
AA 20 16 36
Aa 18 15 33
aa     0
8E-Drift Groups 2-I 2-II 2-III 2-IV 2-V 2-VI  
AA   1 2 7 6 4 0  
Aa   4 5   1 1 4  
aa   2       1 1  
4-I 4-II 4-III 4-IV
AA 1 2 1 8
Aa 3 5 4 0
aa 3 1 2 0

Agenda and Homework updated 9/2

9/6 Fisherbeast Data Share; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/137UN2fHVX3m4FdL1R6NUn5zKvcLARB2db-NqG3k2KCY/edit?usp=sharing

 H-W: Evolution as a change in gene frequency

9/8 Schoology-DoNow “quiz”; H-W Lab & calculations

9/9 Evolution & H-W: The modern synthesis


Due 9/9 11:59 PM First “Big” Mastering Biology Assignment. Questions, animations, tutorials – approximately 75 minutes

Due 9/9 11:59 Schoology Open-Book Evolution Quiz (40 questions)-You get 3 tries.

Due 9/12 Fisherbeast (individual report)-DO NOT JUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON THE HANDOUT (THAT HANDOUT IS FOR HONORS) Your report should specifically address how the FB activity simulates (or fails to simulate) Dr. G’s 6 steps in evolutionary theory (OCVANS). It should compare the different group results and look at the data for punctuated equilibria and gradualism.  You should think about coevolution and other flaws in the simulation.

Due 9/13 H-W lab (packet)

Due 9/16 Read (from shared folder) Understanding Evolutionary Trees

Due 9/16 Making cladograms handout (you have to print your own)-can be done as pairs. Groups of 3 or more will be penalized 10 points for each person over 2

DUE 10/20: On the Shoulders of Giants – 3 minute presentations 

You pick a biologist working either today or in the past 20 years and prepare a 3 minute presentation on their work, their contributions and the scientific “path” that led to their discoveries.

Basically, what they did, and the “giants” their work rests upon. NO written component. NO overlap. You have to “register” your scientist-first come first served. So, first step, do a little research and pick a biologist. Second step, register “your” biologist. You can do this by email or in class.

Third, do more research and prepare a 3 minute (NO LONGER) presentation (yes-you can use notecards, no-you can’t use PowerPoint etc. You are spending a few minutes introducing/discussing/talking about “your” scientist and his/her work.



Fees-You can now pay your school fees (like the $10 honors/AP Science Fee) on line.
(pdf file-you can get a free viewer from Adobe)

 Agenda and Homework updated 8/27

Don’t actually DO anything with your schoology account until after you get further instructions 8/29

8/29 Darwin “PowerPoint” available in shared folder: 1.EvolutionV2.0-MG.pdf (25 pages….Monday/Thursday we should get through the first 10-12 pages); Distribute Fisherbeast

Hypothetical fire drill 8:30

8/30-Teacher Planning Day

9/1 Darwin/ Fisherbeast

9/2 Fisherbeast & data share

9/6 H-W

9/8 Schoology-DoNow “quiz”; H-W Lab & calculations

9/9 ?


due 8/29/2016 11:59 PM: Introduction to Mastering Biology

due 8/29/2016 11:59 PM: 00A-Get Ready for Biology – Diagnostic Questions

    You can access background information between the Diagnostic and Cumulative tests...

due 8/29/2016 11:59 PM: 00B-Get Ready for Biology—Cumulative Test

due 8/31/2016 11:59 PM: HW-Practice Test 01 – material from chapters 2 & 3 which are assumed to be pre-requisite knowledge for AP Biology Students.

Due 9/1 Read Fisherbeast Handout

Due 9/2 Height Lab (with all the bells and whistles)

Due 9/8 Fisherbeast (individual report)

Due 9/9 11:59 PM First “Big” Mastering Biology Assignment. Questions, animations, tutorials – approximately 75 minutes

Due 9/9 11:59 Schoology Open-Book Evolution Quiz (40 questions)-You get 3 tries.

Due 9/13 H-W lab (packet)

Due 9/16 Read (from shared folder) Understanding Evolutionary Trees

Due 9/16 Making cladograms handout (you have to print your own)-can be done as pairs. Groups of 3 or more will be penalized 10 points for each person over 2

Height Lab Data-2016

Grade Gender Height Span
9 Female 132 153
9 Female 144 139
9 Female 147 135
10 Female 150 138
12 Female 152 154
10 Female 153 149
12 Female 153.5 155
9 Female 154 146
12 Female 154 156
10 Female 156 155
10 Female 157 157
11 Female 157 158
11 Female 157 150
11 Female 158 150
10 Female 158 153
9 Female 158 151
12 Female 158 155
9 Female 159 157
11 Female 159 160
12 Female 159.5 159
10 Female 160 156
9 Female 160 150
10 Female 160 157
10 Female 161 158
9 Female 162 140
9 Female 162 173
10 Female 162 157
12 Female 162 128
11 Female 162 157
12 Female 162.5 155
9 Female 163 162
9 Female 163 172
12 Female 163 130
12 Female 163 167
12 Female 163 166
9 Female 164 168
10 Female 164 161
9 Female 164 158
10 Female 164 157
10 Female 164 164
9 Female 164 173
11 Female 164 164
10 Female 165 163
9 Female 165 165
9 Female 165 165
12 Female 165 137
12 Female 165 163.5
12 Female 165 169
11 Female 165 163
9 Female 166 168
9 Female 166 172
12 Female 166 171
11 Female 166 165
12 Female 166 160
12 Female 166 166
12 Female 166 162
9 Female 167 168
12 Female 167 166
10 Female 167.5 164
9 Female 168 169
10 Female 168 164
10 Female 168 166
12 Female 168 157
12 Female 168 171
12 Female 168 163
12 Female 168 152
10 Female 169 166
9 Female 169 169
12 Female 169 176
10 Female 170 179
12 Female 171 170
12 Female 171 170
12 Female 171 175
12 Female 172 160
10 Female 173 167
10 Female 173 170
11 Female 173 171
11 Female 173 169
9 Female 174 173
11 Female 174 176
12 Female 174.5 169
10 Female 175 179
12 Female 176 168
10 Female 180 179
9 Male 158 153
12 Male 167 162
12 Male 168 167
12 Male 168 160
10 Male 169 175
9 Male 170 171
9 Male 170 168
12 Male 170 172
11 Male 170 167
10 Male 171 177
12 Male 171 171
11 Male 172 166
10 Male 173 171
12 Male 173 170.5
10 Male 174 173
11 Male 174 179
12 Male 174 179
10 Male 176 171
10 Male 176 161
12 Male 176 170
11 Male 176 177
10 Male 177 171
12 Male 177 178
12 Male 177 178
11 Male 177 175
10 Male 178 167
12 Male 178 175
12 Male 178 128
11 Male 179 180
12 Male 179 175
9 Male 180 186
10 Male 180 190
12 Male 180 179
12 Male 180 174
12 Male 181 183
12 Male 181 185
12 Male 181 183
11 Male 181 179
11 Male 181 190
12 Male 181 183
10 Male 183 174
11 Male 183 181
12 Male 184 180
12 Male 184 186
11 Male 185 184
12 Male 185 187
10 Male 187 175
12 Male 187 180
10 Male 188 181
10 Male 194 189

Agenda and Homework updated 8/19

8/22: Welcome, Introduction, FRQ-1; Mastering Biology

8/23: Height Lab Data; Safety, Seed germination start

8/25: Mug shots; FRQ-2; Germination Report; Your Inner Fish – feedback, QL?; long term decomposition; long term “air potato”

8/26: Height lab data analysis, Science Process Skills, AP Biology-Statistics-Math


Due 8/22/2016: Summer Letter/Assignment   All 3 parts are due before school starts on 8/22. (Links are in the Letter/Assignment pdf file summer-1 on the webpage.)

Due 8/25: Welcome Parent Letter signature; email to confirm parent email address

Be proactive. Be prepared.  You can do the Mastering Biology Assignments ahead of time.  Access to MasteringBiology is probably the most expensive part of your "book."  I can not publically post our sign-in codes.  The codes will be distributed 8/22

due 8/29/2016 11:59 PM: Introduction to Mastering Biology

due 8/29/2016 11:59 PM: 00A-Get Ready for Biology – Diagnostic Questions

    You can access background information between the Diagnostic and Cumulative tests...

due 8/29/2016 11:59 PM: 00B-Get Ready for Biology—Cumulative Test

due 8/31/2016 11:59 PM: HW-Practice Test 01 – material from chapters 2 & 3 which are assumed to be pre-requisite knowledge for AP Biology Students.


Reading due by Friday (in Mastering Biology):

                Text (9th Ed): Chapter 1.2;

Due Monday 8/29: Campbell (Mastering Biology):  25.1-25.4; 

Thursday 9/1: Campbell:  26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.6, 27.1, 27.2;

Holtzclaw reviews – optional – helpful?


                Remind - signed in by Friday 8/26 7:00 AM (for a grade)   remind.com

                Schoology.com signed in by Friday 8/26 7:00 AM (for a grade)

                                Period 2: Access code: FBG37-NH8GK

                                Period 4: Access code: K9HGV-67V6S




Campbell Text Correlation:

Highlighted Table of Contents-in the shared folder


Parental email: I will be collecting parental emails in the fall. Pre-emptively if I get an email from your parents (from their email account) I'll give you extra credit in the fall

UPLOAD Files (if you can't email them)...this includes pictures:   




Letter002 -About the mandatory meetings in May-

This is the summer work (as of 3/18). It may change: Summer-1

Advice From 2015-16 students (along with their scores)

Mastering Biology 2016-17

Your text book, many homework assignments, home quizzes etc. can all be accessed via a Pearson site called Mastering Biology.

Follow the instructions below for access.

If you have difficulties, email me right away (drg.atm@gmail.com) since access is essential to your success in the class.

2016-2017 Access Information


----I can't post the "magic codes" on line. Send me email to get the code.

 “OUR” Mastering Biology AP Bio Class Code:


You need to join the class before you can see/do anything specific to our class.

Again, if you have trouble, email me (DrG.ATM@gmail.com) and I’ll try and help.

It should be straightforward.


Be proactive. Be prepared.  You can do the Mastering Biology Assignments ahead of time (After 8/2).

For your information I’ve posted the first few Mastering Assignments below and on the web page:

due 8/29/2015 11:59 PM: Introduction to Mastering Biology

due 8/29/2015 11:59 PM: 00A-Get Ready for Biology – Diagnostic Questions

due 8/29/2015 11:59 PM: 00B-Get Ready for Biology—Cumulative Test

due 8/31/2015 11:59 PM: HW-Practice Test 01 – material from chapters 2 & 3 which are assumed to be pre-requisite knowledge for AP Biology Students.

Comments-Feedback Page

Get college reminds from Ms. Rodriguez
 Text 81010  





Information- Code Red Lock Down

Classroom doors will be immediately locked.
No passes for any reason (bathroom, water etc).
Sit away from the door.
Students in the hall will be brought into the nearest classroom.
Students in open areas should report to the nearest secured area.
Students in bathroom facilities should report to the nearest secured area.
Follow directions of emergency personnel and administrators.
ALL staff and students remain in LOCK DOWN until the ALL CLEAR announcement is made.

Science Fees

$10 Fee/year

If you are taking 2 science classes, you have to pay in each one separately.
If you do not pay, an obligation slip will be submitted, and in order to graduate, leave the school etc, you will have to pay (clear your obligations).

Humor-40+ ways to tell if you've been traumatized by AP Biology (these will be funnier as you survive the course)

What you need to learn for AP Bio (poem)