AP-Agenda and Homework Page 2018-19  - Dr. Gottfried [General links and information at the bottom of this page]


38% of my students passed the exam (better than last year, worse than the year before that).

65% passed nationally.

I've linked your "advice to 2019-20" page here to amuse you.

Advice 2018-19 to 2019-20

Agenda and Homework updated 5/17/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W F W F 2, 4, 6; T Th T Th  1, 3, 5

5/15, 16 Anatomy for Beginners

5/17, 20 Dr. Tatiana’s Guide to Sex for All Creation

5/21, 22 (odd-Graduation Rehearsal) even-? More Anatomy or More Tatiana  Vote

5/23, 24 Darkness Comes upon the Classroom

5/28, 29 (odd-Graduation Rehearsal) even-? Art 101? More Anatomy or More Tatiana

-I  will be out on 5/28, 29. There is an extra credit assignment you can do during class time, should you choose. CF-Analysis

5/30, 31 Graduation; Harrison Bergeron – Equity



Required Last Grade:

Due 5/24 (odd or even; emailed only) Two Part Assignment [A] Honestly review the class [B] What advice could you give next year’s AP Bio students?


Due 5/17 (odd or even; emailed only) Review of Anatomy for Beginners (suitable for a newspaper)

Due 5/21 (odd or even; emailed only) Review of Dr. Tatiana (suitable for a newspaper)

Due 5/25 (odd or even; emailed only) Review of Darkness Comes Upon the Classroom

Study notes prepared by a student in AP BIO (not one of mine). A full year in less than 60 pages.

Agenda and Homework updated 5/10/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W F T Th 1, 3, 5; T Th M W F 2, 4, 6

5/13 (odd) AP BIO EXAM

5/14 (even) Dr. G. is proctoring. Period 2 & 4 will be baby-sat by Mr. Oxar and Dr. Guaty

5/15, 16 Anatomy for Beginners

5/17, 20 Dr. Tatiana’s Guide to Sex for All Creation

5/21, 22 (odd-Graduation Rehearsal) even-? More Anatomy or More Tatiana

5/23, 24 Darkness Comes upon the Classroom




Required Last Grade:

Due 5/24 (odd or even; emailed only) Two Part Assignment [A] Honestly review the class [B] What advice could you give next year’s AP Bio students?


Due 5/17 (odd or even; emailed only) Review of Anatomy for Beginners (suitable for a newspaper)

Due 5/21 (odd or even; emailed only) Review of Dr. Tatiana (suitable for a newspaper)

Data Entry-5/8, 9 


Agenda and Homework updated 4/26/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W F T Th 1, 3, 5; T Th M W F 2, 4, 6

4/29, 30 Ecology

5/1, 2 Question Review

5/3, 6 Question Review

5/7, 8 Question Review

5/9, 10 Question Review




Due 5/3: Mastering Ecology (Chapters 52, 53, 54; 90 minutes!)

After the AP Exam….

Usually we have about 6 “good” classes after the exam for which I have to plan.

This year, in part because I teach AP on both odd and even days, with an early graduation, graduation rehearsals, my proctoring the BIO EOC, etc. there is only 1 class I can count on.

So, no voting this year. On 5/23, 24 we will do the “Darkness comes upon the classroom” demonstrations (including the glowing pickle). On other dates we may watch videos and I may do the Dr. G.’s Art Appreciation 101. We will do what we have time for.


If I am called away during this "study" time, I expect you to work on preparing for the AP Biology exam.

So, if there is a change in plans, use the time to take a diagnostic exam from VarsityTutors. While it is a pay site for tutoring, the practice diagnostic tests are free.






Agenda and Homework updated 4/12/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W  1, 3, 5; T Th 2, 4, 5, 6 F- 1-6

4/22, 23 FRQ Practice (P2, 4 -Prebubbling)

4/24, 25 Ecology; Population Dynamics; Virgins and Dragons;  PowertPoint notes available in OneNote or as a pdf -click here

4/26 A Hair in My Dirt

If there is a change in plans, use the time to take a diagnostic exam from VarsityTutors. While it is a pay site for tutoring, the practice diagnostic tests are free.
Powered By Varsity Tutors



Due 5/3: Mastering Ecology (Chapters 52, 53, 54; 90 minutes!)

New Recycling Option-plastic bottles -ONLY- Green bin by the door

Agenda and Homework updated 4/12/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W  1, 3, 5; T Th 2, 4, 5, 6 F- Teacher planning day

4/15, 16 FRQ practice (1 long 3 short) - Graded

4/17, 18 Something different….You will need an Quizizz account

Go to Quizizz.com and sign up for an account-Use your real name or I won’t be able to give you credit (you will get an F)

You will have class time on the 17th/18th, and if you aren’t in class (Junior Brunch or other absence) or don’t finish you can submit it by Sunday night 4/21 11:45 PM.

The code for the quizizz will be provided in class on 4/17, 18, by remind (4/17) and will be posted here (4/17)

Advice-Do this on a larger format device (pad, tablet, desktop computer). Some of the answers/questions aren't readable on a phone.

Do the best you can. I know there are questions that you can't read the graphs.

Code:  986266



Due 4/14 If didn’t finish or were absent, -Gizmo Case – Enzymes

Due 4/18 If didn’t finish or were absent, -Gizmo Case – Photosynthesis


Agenda and Homework updated 3/27/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W F 1, 3, 5; T Th 2, 4, 6; M W F 2, 4, 6; T Th 1, 3, 5

4/1, 2 Animal Behavior

4/3, 4 Animal Behavior Lab – w/ meal worms! – Your design; require statistics

      Animal Behavior Lab – using meal worms

Up to 6 “registered” groups (register TODAY)

w/ problem statement-emailed by tomorrow

w/procedure and supplies emailed by tomorrow

Taxis (not tropism)

Independent/dependent variables




4/5, 8 Gizmo Case Enzymes

 4/9, 10 Animal Form & Function – Body plans

4/11, 12 Gizmo Case Photosynthesis




If you can’t remember your user name/password, Gizmos are accessible through the portal. OR, email me, I can recover your username/password – don’t just create a new account (each class has a limited number of accounts)



Period 2 5PQMCD5MVJ

Period 4 DLF62KZVJ9


Due 3/31  If didn’t finish or were absent, -Gizmo Case – Evolution

Due 4/14 If didn’t finish or were absent, -Gizmo Case – Enzymes

Due 4/18 If didn’t finish or were absent, -Gizmo Case – Photosynthesis

Due 4/9, 10 Animal Behavior Lab-Group Product; Common-Title, problem, hypothesis, independent variable, dependent variable, controls, procedure, data, data analysis; Individual-Any arguments w/group & individual conclusions; ALL Stapled together. No excuses.

Agenda and Homework updated 3/15/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W 1, 3, 5; T Th 2, 4, 6; F 1-6

Note date swap-gizmo and math review

3/18, 19 Gizmo Case – Evolution [class work-I don’t know how this works as an assignment]

If you can’t remember your user name/password, Gizmos are accessible through the portal. OR, email me, I can recover your username/password – don’t just create a new account (each class has a limited number of accounts)



Period 2 5PQMCD5MVJ

Period 4 DLF62KZVJ9


3/20, 21 Math-Formula use and review; Scientific Skills  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fcpWMzB2rPseOC4EwfvJVbPPfspfHrkW

Page 97-102


3/22 FRQ Practice

FYI – Gattaca will be shown period 3, 5, & 6 on 3/20, 3/21 – If your teacher will allow



The marking period ends
Your grades are poor
Have you done all the assignments?
Extra credit has less of an effect on your grade than replacing a Z with a 50 or 60
Monday 3/18 is the last date for anything to be made up, turned in etc.

Agenda and Homework updated 3/8/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W 1, 3, 5; T Th 2, 4, 6; F 1-6

3/11, 12 [10th Anniv. Video]; Remove-books from door/put up student pictures; Where are we, and where are we going

3/13, 14 Virus’

3/15 FRQ Practice

M W 1, 3, 5; T Th 2, 4, 6; F 1-6

3/18, 19 Math-Formula use and review; Scientific Skills  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fcpWMzB2rPseOC4EwfvJVbPPfspfHrkW

Page 97-102

3/20, 21 Gizmo Case – Evolution [class work-I don’t know how this works as an assignment]

If you can’t remember your user name/password, Gizmos are accessible through the portal. OR, email me, I can recover your username/password – don’t just create a new account (each class has a limited number of accounts)



Period 2 5PQMCD5MVJ

Period 4 DLF62KZVJ9


3/22 FRQ Practice

FYI – Gattaca will be shown period 3, 5, & 6 on 3/20, 3/21 – If your teacher will allow


Due 3/11, 12 Hardy Weinberg Lab


Agenda and Homework updated 3/1/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

T Th 1, 3, 5; M W F 2, 4, 6

3/1, 4 Lizard Phylogeny

3/5, 6 Hardy Weinberg Lab

3/7, 8 Biotech Ethics Debate

Beyond Gattaca – Topics for consideration-

InVitro Fertilization; Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis

Mass DNA testing (Arizona?)


DNA (CRISPR/CAS9) editing of non-human animals/plants/humans

Eugenics – positive/negative

Testing for genetic diseases – advice to parents



M W 1, 3, 5; T Th 2, 4, 6; F 1-6

3/11, 12 [10th Anniv. Video]; Remove-books from door/put up student pictures; Where are we, and where are we going

3/13, 14 Virus’

3/15 FRQ Practice


M W 1, 3, 5; T Th 2, 4, 6; F 1-6

3/18, 19 Math-Formula use and review

3/20, 21 Scientific Skills https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fcpWMzB2rPseOC4EwfvJVbPPfspfHrkW

Page 97-102

3/22 FRQ Practice


FYI – Gattaca will be shown period 3, 5, & 6 on 3/20, 3/21 – If your teacher will allow


Due 3/5, 6 Homework FRQ:

The table below shows the amino acid sequence of the carboxyl-terminal segment of a conserved polypeptide from four different, but related, species. Each amino acid is represented by a three-letter abbreviation, and the amino acid residues in the polypeptide chains are numbered from the amino end to the carboxyl end. Empty cells indicate no amino acid is present.

 (a) Assuming that species I is the ancestral species of the group, explain the most likely genetic change that produced the polypeptide in species II and the most likely genetic change that produced the polypeptide in species III.

(b) Predict the effects of the mutation on the structure and function of the resulting protein in species IV.  Justify your prediction.


Due 3/7, 8 Debate positions (I’m not collecting any papers, your class participation will determine your grade)

Due 3/7, 8 Lizard Phylogeny (group classwork-but, you can finish up for HW)

Due 3/8 DNA Tech Forms (all 6)

Due 3/11, 12 Hardy Weinberg Lab

Mandatory meeting for “SIB” minions

            If you are volunteering, you need to attend one of the 4 trainings before 3/14:

3/6 or 3/7 2nd lunch or after school

Registered volunteers:

Arroyave, Natalia, Baez, Alexa, Becker, Jessica S., Chavez, Carmen A., Cruz, Elianna T., Cuevas, Ashley S., Despres, Joyce K., Ditano, Ana, Giraldo, Sara, Golan, Elan D., Gosine, Kalindi, Jakovlev, Janelle, Macaluso, James A., Managadze, Margo G., Mcclellan, Vincent J., Mitchell, Kayla E., Negas, Ethan, Ortiz, Claudia F., Perata, Mia, Pineda, Daniel C., Qubain, Tiana, Salow, Elizabeth A.,Sheets, Fiona T., Sobrino, Alexandra N., Sweidan, Angela J.


Superintendent’s Innovation Challenge

                Juniors/Seniors – potential $10,000 scholarship

                Teams of 2

                Details: http://challenge.dadeschools.net/


Agenda and Homework updated 2/25/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W F T Th 1, 3, 5; T Th M W F 2, 4, 6

2/25, 26 Epigenetics; Eukaryotic gene control

2/27, 28 Biotechnology DNA Tech Forms

DNA-Tech Forms you can work in small groups 1-3, but, each of you is responsible for ALL the answers. I STRONGLY suggest you work together, not distribute the work.

DNATech-I http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormI-2019.html   

DNATech-II http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormII-2019.html   

DNATech-III http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormIII-2019.html   

DNATech-IV http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormIV-2019.html.   

DNATech-V  http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormV-2019.html   

DNATech-VI http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/DNATech/DNATechFormVI-2019.html

3/1, 4 Lizard Phylogeny  Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree-Video     Assignment (pdf to make links easier)

3/5, 6 Hardy Weinberg Lab

3/7, 8 Biotech Ethics Debate

Beyond Gattaca – Topics for consideration-

InVitro Fertilization; Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis

Mass DNA testing (Arizona?)


DNA (CRISPR/CAS9) editing of non-human animals/plants/humans

Eugenics – positive/negative

Testing for genetic diseases – advice to parents




Due 2/25, 26 Research Assignment – Epigenetics- 2019, what is the current state of knowledge

1-2 pages – be prepared to discuss the topic on 2/25, 26 (in addition to the report you will turn in, you can have index cards to help you with the discussion)

Due 3/5, 6 Homework FRQ:

The table below shows the amino acid sequence of the carboxyl-terminal segment of a conserved polypeptide from four different, but related, species. Each amino acid is represented by a three-letter abbreviation, and the amino acid residues in the polypeptide chains are numbered from the amino end to the carboxyl end. Empty cells indicate no amino acid is present.


 (a) Assuming that species I is the ancestral species of the group, explain the most likely genetic change that produced the polypeptide in species II and the most likely genetic change that produced the polypeptide in species III.

(b) Predict the effects of the mutation on the structure and function of the resulting protein in species IV.  Justify your prediction.


Due 3/7, 8 Debate positions (I’m not collecting any papers, your class participation will determine your grade)

Due 3/7, 8 Lizard Phylogeny (group classwork-but, you can finish up for HW)

Due 3/8 DNA Tech Forms (all 6)

Due 3/11, 12 Hardy Weinberg Lab

FYI-Names on forms….no name, no ID, how am I supposed to assign a grade to you.

Agenda and Homework updated 2/15/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M-President’s Day; T Th 1, 3, 5, W F 2, 4, 6

2/19, 20 Gene control in bacteria; In Eukaryotes; bring headphones; http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-GeneControl2019.html

2/21, 22 Epigenetics; Ghost in Your Genes  if you are absent you can watch the video at: The Ghost in your Genes: https://ihavenotv.com/the-ghost-in-your-genes;


Due 2/18 – Central Dogma Form 1, 2, 3




Due 2/22 Form-Gene Control http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-GeneControl2019.html

Due 2/25, 26 Research Assignment – Epigenetics- 2019, what is the current state of knowledge

1-2 pages – be prepared to discuss the topic on 2/25, 26 (in addition to the report you will turn in, you can have index cards to help you with the discussion)


Science Night – Sunny Isles 3/14 5:30-7:30? Email to volunteer; Requirements: 1 session (lunchtime or afterschool) to learn your “station” and the evening event. Either community service OR extra credit, but, not both. No, you can’t double dip and get hours for SNHS and extra credit from me. - email me if you are interested



Agenda and Homework updated 2/8/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M, W, F 2, 4, 6; T Th 1, 3

2/8, 11 Life’s Story

2/12, 13 Central Dogma DNA-> RNA

2/14, 15 RNA->Protein


OpenStax Reading DNA-Chapter 14; Central Dogma-Chapter 15

Campbell Reading DNA-Chapter 16. Central Dogma 17

Due 2/8 Mastering DNA (Chapter 16)

Due 2/8 DNA Extraction Questions

Due 2/15 Mastering Central Dogma (75 min)

Extra Credit due 2/15 (no extensions): VGL-5 (no class time) This is VERY hard. It is a problem, like the others, but, it could be almost anything.  If you get it right, lots of credit!

Due 2/18 – Central Dogma Form 1, 2, 3





Agenda and Homework updated 2/1/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M, W, F 1, 3, 5; T Th 2, 4

2/4, 5 EXAM; Case Study

The case study CAN NOT be done late or as homework. It MUST be done in class, and turned in at the end of class to be graded. If you are not in class on 2/4, 5 with an excused absence, you will get an X. If you are unexcused, it will be a Z. If you are in class, but, don’t turn it in, it will be a Z.

[Note, on Take your Child to Work Day I offered a review PowerPoint of genetics problems. They are self study and can be found as a link by 2/1 in last week’s update.]

2/6, 7 Central Dogma-Graphic Organizers

2/8, 11 Life’s Story


There will be an exam on Mitosis/Meiosis/Cell Cycle/Mendelian Genetics on 2/4, 5 [9 MC, 2 GR, 1 L-FRQ, 1 S-FRQ: 45 min; All questions from recent AP exams]

OpenStax Reading DNA-Chapter 14; Central Dogma-Chapter 15

Campbell Reading DNA-Chapter 16. Central Dogma 17

Due 2/8 Mastering DNA (Chapter 16)

Due 2/8 DNA Extraction Questions

Due 2/15 Mastering Central Dogma (75 min)

Extra Credit due 2/15 (no extensions): VGL-5 (no class time) This is VERY hard. It is a problem, like the others, but, it could be almost anything.  If you get it right, lots of credit!

VGL-Notice - Most of you messed up (1/27/2019-6:46 AM-A very annoyed Dr. G.)

Agenda and Homework updated 1/25/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

1/28, 29 Genetics Review; Problems; VGL

1/30, 31 DNA Extraction; DNA

2/1 Case Study   Change in plan - Self study Mendelian Genetics Problems -  PowerPoint with questions/answers/links to explanations

The case study CAN NOT be done late or as homework. It MUST be done in class, and turned in at the end of class to be graded. If you are not in class on 2/1 with an excused absence, you will get an X. If you are unexcused, it will be a Z. If you are in class, but, don’t turn it in, it will be a Z. [Yes, I know it is take your child to the beach day, but, that is not my problem.]


Due 1/25 VGL 1, 2 Pace yourselves-the first two are easy. They get harder.  You will be given class time on the tablets, but, you may need additional time (depending on how well you manage your class time).

Due 1/28, 29 VGL 3, 4 [Note date change.]

Software and the assignment links are the update from 2 weeks ago



Due 2/1 Mastering Genetics [LONG 90 minutes]

Due 1/28 (regardless of odd/even) Extra Credit-8 ½ x 11 “mini-book-poster” on a non-fiction science book [can be either portrait or landscape, however, landscape is the preferred orientation]

There will be an exam on Mitosis/Meiosis/Cell Cycle/Mendelian Genetics on 2/4, 5 [9 MC, 2 GR, 1 L-FRQ, 1 S-FRQ: 45 min; All questions from recent AP exams]

Due 2/8 Mastering DNA (Chapter 16)

Due 2/8 DNA Extraction Questions

Extra Credit due 2/15 (no extensions): VGL-5 (no class time) This is VERY hard. It is a problem, like the others, but, it could be almost anything.  If you get it right, lots of credit!

Show Life’s Story?

Agenda and Homework updated 1/17/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

T, Th 1; W, F 2, 4

1/22, 23 VGL; Genetics  

1/24, 25 VGL; Genetics

FYI-the Case Study has been moved to 2/1 to give you more time on the VGL assignments


Due 1/25 VGL 1-4 Pace yourselves-there are 4 assignments here. You will be given class time on the tablets, but, you may need additional time (depending on how well you manage your class time).

Software and the assignment links are in last week’s update.


Due 2/1 Mastering Genetics [LONG 90 minutes]

Due 1/28 (regardless of odd/even) Extra Credit-8 ½ x 11 “mini-book-poster” on a non-fiction science book [can be either portrait or landscape, however, landscape is the preferred orientation]

Agenda and Homework updated 1/11/2019

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W 1, 3, 5; T Th 2, 4, 6

Last day to turn in late work that I guarantee I will grade in time for the marking period 1/11/19

That includes Internet forms. I will re-check all the internet form assignments for late work on 1/12/19

After that, if you turn in work, (internet or other) I will try to get to it, but, no promises.

Last day to make up tests/quizzes 1/15/19

The last day of the marking period-1/17/19

Last grades in the 2nd marking period-


                Mastering Cell Cycle

                Mastering Meiosis

                Stop Action Video for Mitosis

                Stop Action Video for Meiosis



1/14, 15 Meiosis; Mendel; Monohybrid Cross VGL 1

1/16, 17 Dihybrid Cross & more complex genetics VGL (VGL 2, 3, 4)

1/22, 23 VGL & Case Study

-The case study CAN NOT be done late or as homework. It MUST be done in class, and turned in at the end of class to be graded. If you are not in class on 1/22, 23, with an excused absence, you will get an X. If you are unexcused, it will be a Z. If you are in class, but, don’t turn it in, it will be a Z.


Due 1/14 Stop Action video of Mitosis; Stop action video of Meiosis (max group size 4)

Due 1/25 VGL 1-4 Pace yourselves-there are 4 assignments here. You will be given class time on the tablets, but, you may need additional time (depending on how well you manage your class time).


Software for Windows https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WYwkbFOoHAh-FPqZtqvevhHIuob-oHIk

If you have a windows computer you can download the whole VGL-Win folder. Extract everything into one folder.  I’ve included the JavaSetup file, in case you need that. The program runs when you click on the VGLII icon


If you want to go to the source (or have a Mac)


You will need to copy the software to a computer; http://vgl.umb.edu/index.htm


It doesn’t actually install anything.


The instructions for the MAC are different and you need to follow the grading instructions


If you install from the vgl website (for example onto a Mac) you will need the student.key file, which has to be in the same folder with the VGLII program. You can either email me for the file or copy it from the Google folder link above.



If you have lost your copy of the instructions-






Due 2/1 Mastering Genetics [LONG 90 minutes]

Agenda and Homework updated 12/24/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W 1, 3, 5; T Th 2, 4, 6 F 1-6

Last day to turn in late work that I guarantee I will grade in time for the marking period 1/11/19

That includes Internet forms. I will re-check all the internet form assignments for late work on 1/12/19

After that, if you turn in work, (internet or other) I will try to get to it, but, no promises.

Last day to make up tests/quizzes 1/15/19

The last day of the marking period-1/17/19

Last grades in the 2nd marking period-

                Broken Dog (no Zs)

                Taste Lab (surprise-extra credit)

                Chi Square (extra credit)

                Nerves (5 forms)

                Mastering Cell Cycle

                Mastering Meiosis

                Stop Action Video for Mitosis

                Stop Action Video for Meiosis



1/7, 8 Mitosis/Cell Cycle; Meiosis

1/9, 10 Stop Action Videos (2)

1/11 (1-6) Intro to Genetics-Mendel

1/14, 15 Monohybrid Cross

1/16, 17 Dihybrid Cross



Winter Break

Due 1/7, 8/2019 Reading-Chapter Campbell- Chapters 12, 13 &/or OpenStax Chapters 10, 11

Be prepared with questions, since we will cover this material VERY quickly as an introduction to genetics

Due 1/6/2019  11:59 PM Mastering Cell Cycle (45 min), Mastering Meiosis (45 min)

Due 1/14 Stop Action video of Mitosis; Stop action video of Meiosis (max group size 4)

Due 1/22,23 Monohybrid Cross, Dihybrid Cross

Due 2/1 Virtual Genetics Labs [I’m still editing these, so the assignments aren’t ready yet-the information here is just a place holder for now]

VGL-ATM-APBio-01 (1 grade) & VGL-ATM-APBio-02 (2 grades!)

update 1/6 - still working on the assignments....

Due 2/1 Virtual Genetics Labs [I’m still editing these, so the assignments aren’t ready yet-the information here is just a place holder for now] – You will get time and instructions in class, however, if you want to get ahead you can play with the software.

Software for Windows https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WYwkbFOoHAh-FPqZtqvevhHIuob-oHIk

If you have a windows computer you can download the whole VGL-Win folder. Extract everything into one folder.  I’ve included the JavaSetup file, in case you need that. The program runs when you click on the VGLII icon


VGL-ATM-APBio-01 (1 grade) & VGL-ATM-APBio-02 (2 grades!)

You will need to install software on a computer; http://vgl.umb.edu/index.htm

You will want to work in groups (2-4 students, although you can work alone); You will be given time in class on the tablets, but, you will probably need additional time as well.

There are instructional videos and a sample lab report from a college student based on an assignment you can use as a template for what your work should/could look like.

I am currently working on a model builder/grading option that may enhance your lab reports-stay tuned


You will need to install software on a computer; http://vgl.umb.edu/index.htm

You will want to work in groups (2-4 students, although you can work alone); You will be given time in class on the tablets, but, you will probably need additional time as well.

There are instructional videos and a sample lab report from a college student based on an assignment you can use as a template for what your work should/could look like.

I am currently working on a model builder/grading option that may enhance your lab reports-stay tuned


Due 2/1 Mastering Genetics [LONG 90 minutes]


Agenda and Homework updated 12/14/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

T Th 1, 3, 5; M W F 2, 4, 6

12/14, 17 Cell Communication (Openstax Chapter 9) Nerve Transduction [broken dog]; Nerve Forms

Possible reaction timers (if you can, check what works on your cell phone before class)





12/18, 19 Taste Lab (w/report-done mostly in class)

-The lab involves tasting artificial sweeteners. I have Splenda (yellow); if you would like to test other artificial sweeteners (pink, green, blue) you need to provide them for yourself and at least a few others (including me!). Ideally, 85 packets so everyone can test😊

Note-for this lab Tuesday/Wednesday 12/18,19  you will need a bottle of water


12/20, 21 Chi Square – Goodness of Fit; A sweet holiday lab w/o a report


Due 12/20, 21 Taste Lab

Due 12/21 Nerves as an example of Cell Communication – Five parts

2 require flash, which might mean you need to do them in school on the tablets (always available 2nd lunch – except 12/20), and afterschool by appointment (or during someone else’s class, with a pass).

This is a brand new assignment. The Nobel Prize lesson I used for the past few years was taken down . Comments (polite) are encouraged.











due 12/21 Case Study-Broken Dog. Most should have been done in class. If you aren’t finished you can turn it in by break. 

Winter Break

Due 1/7, 8/2019 Reading-Chapter Campbell- Chapters 12, 13 &/or OpenStax Chapters 10, 11

Be prepared with questions, since we will cover this material VERY quickly as an introduction to genetics

Due 1/6/2019  11:59 PM Mastering Cell Cycle (45 min), Mastering Meiosis (45 min)

Agenda and Homework updated 12/7/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W F T Th 1, 3, 5;  T Th M W F 2, 4, 6

[some modifications based on how many people were missing 12/7 for the senior breakfast]

12/10, 11 Alternative Photosynthesis; Cell-Cell Communication

12/12, 13 Quiz-Respiration and Photosynthesis (10 MC, 1 GR, 2 S-FRQ); Cell-Cell Communication

12/14, 17 Cell Communication (Openstax Chapter 9) Nerve Transduction

Possible reaction timers (if you can, check what works on your cell phone before class)





12/18, 19 Taste Lab (w/report-done mostly in class)

-The lab involves tasting artificial sweeteners. I have Splenda (yellow); if you would like to test other artificial sweeteners (pink, green, blue) you need to provide them for yourself and at least a few others (including me!). Ideally, 85 packets so everyone can test😊

12/20, 21 Chi Square – Goodness of Fit; A sweet holiday lab w/o a report


Due 12/10, 11 Photosynthesis Disk Lab; Killing Chloroplasts-Case Study

Killing Chloroplasts-Case Study

While this is a class-handout, it will be done in pairs. If you will not be in class on 12/6 or 7 you need to pick up the paperwork when you get back (12/10,11) so you can get it done. It is NOT optional.

You can’t pick it up early, since I only made a class set of the instructions.


If you are not in school on 12/6 or 7 it will be due on 12/14-end of the day.


To facilitate your understanding of the Case Study-

Watch 3 videos (less than 30 minutes)-





The instructions and handout are available online-




Due 12/20, 21 Taste Lab

HOLD-The Nobel Prize site seems to have been taken down. I am investigating, but, as of how, this isn't working.  Due 12/19 Nerves as an example of Cell Communication – http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-Nerves-2018.html

Due 12/21 Nerves as an example of Cell Communication – Five parts

2 require flash, which might mean you need to do them in school on the tablets (always available 2nd lunch – except 12/20), and afterschool by appointment (or during someone else’s class, with a pass).

This is a brand new assignment. The Nobel Prize lesson I used for the past few years was taken down . Comments (polite) are encouraged.












Winter Break

Due 1/7, 8/2019 Reading-Chapter Campbell- Chapters 12, 13 &/or OpenStax Chapters 10, 11

Be prepared with questions, since we will cover this material VERY quickly as an introduction to genetics

Due 1/6/2019  11:59 PM Mastering Cell Cycle (45 min), Mastering Meiosis (45 min)

Agenda and Homework updated 11/30/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

 T Th M W F T Th 1, 3, 5;  M W F T Th M W F 2, 4, 6

Note-planning 3 weeks in advance, means everything is subject to change as things progress.

11/30, 12/3 Photosynthesis

12/4, 5 Photosynthesis Disk Lab

12/6, 7 Photosynthesis; Case Study – Killing Chloroplasts?

While this is a class-handout, it will be done in pairs. If you will not be in class on 12/6 or 7 you need to pick up the paperwork when you get back (12/10,11) so you can get it done. It is NOT optional.

You can’t pick it up early, since I only made a class set of the instructions.



12/10, 11 Review Respiration/Photosynthesis;

12/12, 13 EXAM-Respiration and Photosynthesis;

12/14, 17 Cell Communication (Openstax Chapter 9)

12/18, 19 Taste Lab (w/report-done mostly in class)

12/20, 21 Chi Square – Goodness of Fit; A sweet holiday lab w/o a report


12/6-After school-What you are doing wrong in your lab reports? How to do an analysis? Why are you just faking it? How to do it right? An afterschool analysis of the worm lab and what you should have done, which will hopefully improve your future lab reports. 2:30-3:00 (maybe 3:30 depending on questions)


Due 12/5 Mastering Biology – Photosynthesis (75 min)

Due 12/4, 5 Photosynthesis Box Models (2 of them)

To facilitate your understanding of the Case Study on Thursday/Friday 12/6, 7

Watch 3 videos (less than 30 minutes)-




Due 12/10, 11 Photosynthesis Disk Lab; Killing Chloroplasts-Case Study

Due 12/20, 21 Taste Lab

Due 12/19 Nerves as an example of Cell Communication – http://mdgottfried.net/Forms/AP/AP-Nerves-2018.html

Agenda and Homework updated 11/23/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

M W F T Th 1, 3, 5; T Th M W F 2, 4, 6

11/26, 27 Respiration Questions

11/28, 29 Photosynthesis Box Models

11/30, 12/3 Photosynthesis Questions

12/4, 5 Photosynthesis Disk Lab

12/6, 7 Exam Photosynthesis & Respiration



Due 11/26, 27 Respiration Lab-mealworms

Due 11/26, 27 Extra Credit-BB respiration activity

Due 11/26, 27 – Box models of Respiration (5 of them)

Due 12/5 Mastering Biology – Photosynthesis (75 min)

Due 12/4, 5 Photosynthesis Box Models (2 of them)

Due 12/10, 11 Photosynthesis Disk Lab

Agenda and Homework updated 11/15/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

M 1, 3, 5; T 2, 4, 6

11/19, 20 Respiration-box models [Respiration-Glycolysis, Pyruvate Oxidation, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport, Chemiosmosis]; Qualitative BB – respiration lab (maybe) [Respiration Lab-meal worms – CO2 production and temperature-absent students]

Bring multicolored writing implements if you can.

Going forward…we will try something different. For respiration, go through Chapter 7 – OpenStax; Chapter 9-Campbell and come with questions Monday 11/26 or Tuesday 11/27. I will NOT lecture on this (other than the box models). 11/28, 29 we move on to photosynthesis, unless your questions require additional time.


Due 11/19, 20 Mastering Biology – Respiration (75 min)

Due 11/26, 27 Respiration Lab-mealworms

Due 11/26, 27 Extra Credit-BB respiration activity

Due 11/26, 27 – Box models of Respiration (5 of them)

I am very tired of the lack of respect the much of the class shows my efforts. Almost no one takes notes, or even does more than peripherally pay attention. There are students doing their homework (mine or other classes) while I’m trying to teach. There are students using their cell phones to play games or text their friends, or even using the camera to make funny pictures or adjust their makeup. If you do not value my efforts to teach you, and make the content more accessible, I don’t see the point of the effort.

Therefore, I am posting a series of videos that cover metabolism and enzymes as well as the next unit on cell respiration.

If you don’t understand what I am covering, or, I sit down and stop directly interacting with the class, you can refer to these videos. (At home if I actually am allowed to teach by the rude students, or in class (on the tablets), if I am not.)











Missed Exams-need to be made up by 11/26 after school. Any 2nd lunch. Afterschool by appointment


ANNIVERSARY-10 years at ATM-

Doors decoration.

I need 5 doors….(411-both doors, 414, 413-wet stock room, 424 dry-stock room)

1-Decoration Committee

      If you are interested in volunteering (not for a grade, but, for community service) let me know




Agenda and Homework updated 11/8/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

T, Th 1, 3, 5; W, F 2, 4, 6

11/13, 14 Quiz-Metabolism; Energetics part I-Respiration (Chapter 7-OpenStax, Chapter 9-Campbell)

11/15, 16 Respiration Lab-meal worms – CO2 production and temperature; Qualitative BB – respiration lab (maybe)

T 1, 3, 5; W 2, 4, 6

11/19, 20 Respiration-box model; Respiration-Glycolysis, Pyruvate Oxidation, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport, Chemiosmosis


Due 11/7 Mastering Biology Chapter 8 (45 min); Re-done Potato Osmosis Lab

Due 11/14 – Inside Cells 


Study for a quiz on enzymes & metabolism on 11/13, 14 (Chapter 6 OpenStax, Chapter 8 Campbell) (10 MC, 1 short FRQ) No study guide-it is only 1 chapter!

Due 11/19, 20 Respiration Lab-mealworms

Due 11/19, 20 Extra Credit [If we did the activity] BB respiration activity

Due 11/19, 20 Mastering Biology – Respiration (75 min)

Due 11/26, 27 – Box models of Respiration (5 of them)

I am very tired of the lack of respect the much of the class shows my efforts. Almost no one takes notes, or even does more than peripherally pay attention. There are students doing their homework (mine or other classes) while I’m trying to teach. There are students using their cell phones to play games or text their friends, or even using the camera to make funny pictures or adjust their makeup. If you do not value my efforts to teach you, and make the content more accessible, I don’t see the point of the effort.

Therefore, I am posting a series of videos that cover metabolism and enzymes as well as the next unit on cell respiration.

If you don’t understand what I am covering, or, I sit down and stop directly interacting with the class, you can refer to these videos. (At home if I actually am allowed to teach by the rude students, or in class (on the tablets), if I am not.)











Agenda and Homework updated 11/2/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

M, Th 1, 3, 5; W, F 2, 4, 6

11/5, 7 Metabolism/Enzymes

11/8, 9 Inside cells – Guided Reading Assignment  [11/9-Substitute]


11/13, 14 Quiz-Metabolism; Energetics part I-Respiration (Chapter 7-OpenStax, Chapter 9-Campbell)

11/15, 16 Respiration Lab-meal worms – CO2 production and temperature; Qualitative BB – respiration lab (maybe)


Due 11/7 Mastering Biology Chapter 8 (45 min); Re-done Potato Osmosis Lab

Due 11/14 – Inside Cells

Study for a quiz on enzymes & metabolism on 11/13, 14 (Chapter 5 OpenStax, Chapter 8 Campbell) (10 MC, 1 short FRQ) No study guide-it is only 1 chapter!

Due 11/19, 20 Respiration Lab-mealworms

Due 11/19, 20 Extra Credit [If we did the activity] BB respiration activity

Due 11/19, 20 Mastering Biology – Respiration (75 min)

Study Advice – You Tube Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPxSzxylRCI&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3Nj1K4JjMVtozgF8J6RDbEe2RWUjJgPuUnR8x072hk-jbFKLTjycJ_Z6Y


Agenda and Homework updated 10/25/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

M, W 1, 3, 5; T, Th 2, 4, 6; F 1-6

10/29, 30 Enzyme kinetics; Yeast/catalase set-up [group]; re-do potato catalase lab

10/31, 11/1 Yeast/catalase experiment [group]; re-do potato catalase part II

New-Shared Data Sheet for potato catalase lab-Version 2 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xzVjLfgOW5NBxoPa1UYXO6atVxsUGeCoA5LN81tndOo/edit?usp=sharing

11/2 Yeast catalase report [group-white board; 20 minute prep; 5 minute presentations]


Read OpenStax AP Bio – Chapter 6 &/or Campbell Chapter 8

Due 10/29, 30 Osmosis Lab (or what went wrong); Water Potential Problem Sheet; Gizmo-Osmosis

Due 10/29, 30 Paperclipase Response [I’m trying something different this year…rather than do a “lab” based on this simulation, I want you to explain enzyme dynamics/kinetics using the analogy of paperclipase. The more features of enzymes you can explain using the model/analogy the better your grade. Think about: rate, substrate conc., enzyme conc., allosteric interactions, competitive inhibition, temperature, salinity, pH, 3D structure, denaturation, reversible and irreversible inhibition]

Period 1 Due 10/30 – via email: group plan for Yeast catalase lab

Period 2, 4 Due 10/31- via email: group plan for Yeast catalase lab

Due 11/7 Mastering Biology Chapter 8 (45 min); Re-done Potato Osmosis Lab

Extra Credit-Allison Nobel – Read/Answer questions [online only-don’t ask about it in class-you can email any questions; due 11/5 7:00 AM]


FYI-For all your complaining, the scores on the FRQs were higher than on the MC.

Agenda and Homework updated 10/20/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

M, W 1, 3, 5; T, Th 2, 4, 6; 

10/22, 23 Tablet Assignment; Gizmo Assignment; Osmosis Lab; Metabolism; Water Potential Problem Sheet



Period 2 5PQMCD5MVJ

Period 4 DLF62KZVJ9

10/24, 25 Osmosis Lab; Paperclipase; Data Entry-Osmosis Lab; metabolism




Due 10/29, 30 Osmosis Lab; Water Potential Problem Sheet; Gizmo Assignment-Osmosis

Due 10/29, 30 Paperclipase Response [I’m trying something different this year…rather than do a “lab” based on this simulation, I want you to explain enzyme dynamics/kinetics using the analogy of paperclipase. The more features of enzymes you can explain using the model/analogy the better your grade.]

The marking period is rapidly drawing to a close. Any late work, missed quizzes, tests etc. must be done by  Monday 10/22

Missed tests. I have been too lax. We have had 3 tests this quarter and between them at the bitter end I have 13 tests that needed to be made up. This is VERY inconvenient for me. In the future, you will get a week from when you miss a test to make arrangements to make it up before it turns into a Z that cannot be fixed. – the ogre has spoken -

Extra Credit- There was more extra credit available this quarter than usual. If you didn’t do any of it, you are not paying attention to what is offered. There were articles to read and memorials to do. There was even physical labor (moving and numbering books). There is nothing that you can do now.

Study Guide-Cells


Think about the cell’s endomembrane system and the pathway of proteins through the cell

Think about different cell types and how the different organelles might be different numbers in the different tissues (I.E. Heart muscle is full of mitochondria, skin cells not so much).

Diffusion, Facilitated Diffusion, Active Transport

                Concentration Gradient


Secretory protein versus cytoplasmic protein

What do the organelles do?

Domains of Life and Prokaryotic versus Eukaryotic cells

SA:Vol and what it means

Microscopes and what you can see with a Light microscope, a Scanning Electron Microscope, a Transmission EM  and why that happens

Agenda and Homework updated 10/6/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

M, W 1, 3, 5; T, Th 2, 4, 6; F 1-6

10/8,9 Cell transport;

10/10 PSAT

10/11, 12 (substitute) Google Form-Structures of Life-AP Structures of Life-NIH Booklet


10/15, 16 Test review; Cells Test

10/17, 18 Osmosis & Potatoes lab – start; Metabolism

10/19 Osmosis and Potatoes lab-end; metabolism


Due 10/8, 9 Read OpenStax Chapter 5 &/or Chapter 7-Mastering Biology

Due 10/8, 9 Leucoplast lab

Due 10/8, 9 Mastering Biology Membranes & Transport (1 hour)

Due 10/16 Structures of Life – Google Form

Due 10/15, 16 STUDY Cells

Due 10/22, 23 Osmosis Lab

Fees will be collected 10/8-10, 10/15-18

$10/student/class; if you are in multiple classes you owe multiple fees

Obligations will be entered for unpaid fees

If the fee will create an undue hardship on your family talk to me privately


Agenda and Homework updated 9/28/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

M, W 1, 3, 5; T, Th 2, 4, 6; F 1-6

10/1,2 Cells-parts & functions; onion cells; leucoplast lab



Period 2 5PQMCD5MVJ

Period 4 DLF62KZVJ9


10/3,4 Exam: chemistry & biochemistry [study guide below, and in OneNote] & draw a labelled cell; cell parts

Open House 10/3

10/5 Cells; membranes; osmosis

10/5 PSAT-Dry run 2/special bell schedule



Due 10/3, 4 STUDY FOR EXAM

Due 10/1, 2 Labeled Cell Drawings (prokaryotic, eukaryotic-animal, eukaryotic-plant) – ala Dr. G. [has to be turned in on paper-yes you have to do it AGAIN]

Due 10/1, 2 Read OpenStax Chapter 4; &/or Chapter 6 – Mastering Biology

Due 10/1, 2 Mastering Biology Cells (45 minutes)

Due 10/8, 9 Read OpenStax Chapter 5 &/or Chapter 7-Mastering Biology

Due 10/8, 9 Leucoplast lab

Due 10/8, 9 Mastering Biology Membranes & Transport (1 hour)

Fees will be collected 10/1-4

$10/student/class; if you are in multiple classes you owe multiple fees

Obligations will be entered for unpaid fees

If the fee will create an undue hardship on your family talk to me privately


Could you only turn the lights off when ultimately necessary. When you turn the lights off and keep them off for the duration of about 3/4 of your class, it's really hard to keep oneself awake since you class is basically right after one wakes up (meaning the first one in the mourning) 


It is a delicate balance between sleeping and being able to see the screen.

I will try and be more mindful of your lack of sleep.


my FRQ traumatized me and I'd like to know what you and the CollegeBoard would consider good and give max points to (like a rubric maybe?)


If you want to discuss the scoring of your FRQ (in private) let me know and we can schedule a time (2nd lunch, beforeschool or afterschool)




Secret OnLine only Science News extra credit:


Do not ask about this in class or you & everyone else in your class will be disqualified from receiving the extra credit. If you have questions, email them with the subject line: Science News”



Study Guide-Chemistry, Biochemistry, Cell
1-The cell drawing seems obvious.  You HAVE to include labels. It will either be an animal or a plant cell (zero chance it will be prokaryotic)
2-FRQ Think about the table of macromolecules.
Elements in living things
Bonds (Ionic; Covalent-polar, Covalent-non-polar, Hydrogen; non-polar interactions)
Ionization (dissociation)
Properties of water
Valence electrons
Octet rule
Isotope (radioactive and non-radioactive)
Isomers (structural, cis-trans, enantiomers)
Miller & Urey experiments
Calories in foods
Dehydration Synthesis
Nucleic Acids
Polymers of glucose that are digestible and indigestible
Glycosidic linkage
Peptide bond
Alpha helix, Beta Pleated sheet
Protein Structure (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary)
Disulfide bond
Functional groups
di-sulfide bridges
semi-permeable phospholipid bilayer with embeded proteins
antiparallel nature of DNA bonding
DNA: A-T C-G; RNA: A-U C-G 3’-5’ 5’-3’


Fairchild Botany Museum and NASA.

obtain data from different species of edible vegetables grown under control conditions in the classroom. The results will be analyzed by NASA and then selected seeds will be used on the International Space Station to grow and observed


Go to room 140 and talk to Mr. Donath second lunch or period 5. Or even at the end of the school day.
Depending on level of involvement you may get credit. 

Agenda and Homework updated 9/21/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

M, W 1, 3, 5; T, Th 2, 4, 6; F 1-6

9/24, 25 SA:Vol Group Handout; Potato Lab; Bromthymol Blue – Gelatin Cubes

9/26, 27(ER) Cells

9/28 DoNow-Answer; Cells Parts

There will be a quiz next Wednesday/Thursday 10/3,4- chemistry & biochemistry & draw a labelled cell

Open House 10/3


Due 9/24, 25 Da Fat Lab   .here is the Fat Lab (instructions & data)

Due 9/28 SA:Vol Potato Lab; Gelatin Lab ?

Due 9/28 SA:Vol Worksheet (groups)

Due 9/28 Labeled Cell Drawings (prokaryotic, eukaryotic-animal, eukaryotic-plant) – ala Dr. G. [has to be turned in on paper]

Due 10/1, 2 Labeled Cell Drawings (prokaryotic, eukaryotic-animal, eukaryotic-plant) – ala Dr. G. [has to be turned in on paper-yes you have to do it AGAIN]

Due 10/1, 2 Read OpenStax Chapter 4; &/or Chapter 6 – Mastering Biology

Due 10/1, 2 Mastering Biology Cells (45 minutes)


Fees will be collected starting 9/24

$10/student/class; if you are in multiple classes you owe multiple fees

Obligations will be entered for unpaid fees

If the fee will create an undue hardship on your family talk to me privately

From: I wish Dr. G. knew- [you didn't think I was going to spend classtime going over everything that came in that way]

For the extra credit I was wondering how heavily weighted it would be and how many times you could get extra credit(or would it all be under one grade and be heavily graded based on how many times you went?), You can do it as often as I offer it. It is one grade that accumulates in each marking period.  your jokes are ok but could use more pizazz. If you want pizazz, pay for tickets to a comedy club For FRQS it would be great if you would tell us what you are looking for before hand. That would not be a good model for an exam. In an exam you have no idea what the questions might be. At this point in the year you at least have a clue, since we have only covered a small part of the curriculum.  Am I going to whine some more will I ask more about extra credit find out next time on Biology. No clue what you mean to say here.



Until I update the page...here is the Fat Lab (instructions & data)

Agenda and Homework updated 9/14/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

M, Th 1, 3, 5; T, F 2, 4, 6 (W-Teacher Work Day)

9/17, 18 Protein Structure; Nucleic acids

9/20, 21 Fat Lab; Macromolecules Wrap up; Cells


Due 9/17, 18 Fill in the table of macromolecules

Elements; ~ ratios

How do you ID them?









Nucleic Acids




Due 9/17, 18 Mastering Biology # 2 Carbon (30 min)

Due 9/20, 21 Mastering Biology #3 Macromolecules (90 min)

Due 9/20, 21 Make sure you are clear on chapters 2-3 in OpenStax; Cross reference chapters 2-5 in Mastering Biology Campbell-Biology

Due 9/24, 25 Da Fat Lab

NOT REQUIRED-45 minute YouTube video on proteins and water https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaSntOkK-Vk

Agenda and Homework updated 9/8/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

T, Th 1, 3, 5; W, F 2, 4, 6

If you are on the college trip you are still responsible for the work & the quiz. You can make up the quiz on Monday 9/17 either during lunch or after school. Any other make-up schedule will have to pre-approved.  The material is conceptually opaque and may require multiple readings of different sources to make clear.  If you are going on the trip you should plan on submitting the homework due 9/12 via email (or friend).

9/11, 12 Carbohydrates; Lipids; Nucleic Acids; & protein structure; models; tests;

9/13, 14 Quiz [study guide in OneNote, and below]; Bring Devices (laptops/tablets are better than cell phones for this 1/3-4 students if possible)


Due 9/11, 12 Reading Assignment # 4 Read Chapter 3 AGAIN. It is crucial

Due 9/11, 12 2 – HW Essays

Due 9/12 First Mastering Assignment

A] The unique properties (characteristics) of water make life possible on Earth.

 Select three properties of water and

        a) for each property, identify and define the property and explain it in terms of the physical/chemical nature of water.

        b) for each property, describe one example of how the property affects the functioning of living organisms.


B] Compare and contrast the three major chemical bonds important for biology.


In the essay you should:

  Describe why atoms form bonds (that's the comparison part)

  Contrast the different bonds in terms of how they form, what property of atoms makes them form one kind rather than another, and how strong the different types of bonds are

  Provide examples when appropriate.

Due 9/17, 18 Fill in the table of macromolecules

Elements; ~ ratios

How do you ID them?









Nucleic Acids





Due 9/17, 18 Mastering Biology # 2 Carbon (30 min)

Due 9/20, 21 Mastering Biology #3 Macromolecules (90 min)

Due 9/20, 21 Make sure you are clear on chapters 2-3 in OpenStax; Cross reference chapters 2-5 in Mastering Biology Campbell-Biology

30 minutes: 13 MC; 1 FRQ

Understand Darwin’s theory of evolution and be able to explain its parts.

Understand who contributed to Darwin’s theory and what they contributed to his thinking

Be able to explain the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria or pesticide resistance in mosquitoes

What does the Miller experiment teach us, why is it important, where is it now?

Remember the first chapter of Your Inner Fish

Calculate half-lives (or actually, given a half life, calculate the age of a fossil)

Know a little bit about the fossil record (how far back does it go, when were the first hominids)


Agenda and Homework updated 9/1/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

T, Th 1, 3, 5; W, F 2, 4, 6

Papers w/no name - on the board

Fisherbeast data



9/4, 5 Fisherbeast & Darwin discussion; Chemical Foundation of Life (Chapter 2)

9/6, 7 Biological Macromolecules (Chapter 3); Pattern Matching (CW-photos)

Looking forward-There will probably be a quiz on 9/11, 12


Due 9/4, 5 Reading Assignment # 4

Due 9/6, 7 Fisherbeast (graph & individual conclusions)

Due 9/11, 12 2 – HW Essays

A] The unique properties (characteristics) of water make life possible on Earth.

 Select three properties of water and

        a) for each property, identify and define the property and explain it in terms of the physical/chemical nature of water.

        b) for each property, describe one example of how the property affects the functioning of living organisms.


B] Compare and contrast the three major chemical bonds important for biology.


In the essay you should:

  Describe why atoms form bonds (that's the comparison part)

  Contrast the different bonds in terms of how they form, what property of atoms makes them form one kind rather than another, and how strong the different types of bonds are

  Provide examples when appropriate.

 Due 9/12 First Mastering Assignment




Due 9/12 First Mastering Assignment- ALL Activities and Tutorials on Review of Chemistry


Agenda and Homework updated 8/25/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

M, W 1, 3, 5; T, Th 2, 4, 6; F 1-6

8/27, 28 Darwin

8/29, 30 Darwin/Fisherbeast; Timeline; AP-modification-???? [P1-11th grade assembly]

8/31 Fisherbeast; Timeline



Due 8/27, 28 Height Lab  Height Lab Data (including the historic data)

    reminder-if you work with someone else on the data analysis or graphs, be sure to acknowledge them

Due 8/27, 28 Reading Assignment # 2

Due 8/31 Reading Assignment # 3

Due 8/31 (classwork) Timeline

Due 9/4, 5 Reading Assignment # 4

Due 9/6, 7 Fisherbeast (graph & individual conclusions)



Reading Assignment 2-

                Online: Chapter 18 Section 1

                Pdf: pages 719-740

                Make sure you do the [Link to Learning] on bone structures

                Make sure you do the [Link to Learning] on misconceptions

                Be prepared to answer the Review Questions, Critical Thinking and Test Prep for AP at the end of the online chapter section or in the pdf at the end of the chapter, questions 1-10, 25-32 and 42-57.

                Be prepared to define the key terms

Reading Assignment 3-

Online: Chapter 2: The Chemical Foundation of Life

Pdf: pages 41-75; Questions 1-30

                Make sure you do the [Link to Learning] isotopes

                Make sure you do the [Link to Learning] ionic and covalent bonding

                Make sure you do the [Link to Learning] ice lattice

                                And think about why ice floats!

                Make sure you do the [Link to Learning] pH

                Be prepared to answer the Review Questions, Critical Thinking and Test Prep for AP

                Be prepared to define the key terms

Reading Assignment 4-

Online: Chapter 3: Biological Macromolecules

                Section 3.1 Synthesis

                Section 3.2 Carbohydrates

                Section 3.3 Lipids

                Section 3.4 Nucleic Acids

Pdf: pages 87-129; Questions 1-74

                Make sure you do the ALL the [Link to Learning] modules

                                Some of them use flash. You’ll have to allow it to get the full benefit of the animations.

                Be prepared to answer the Review Questions, Critical Thinking and Test Prep for AP

                Be prepared to define the key terms



Sign into Mastering Biology by Wednesday/Thursday 8/29, 30 (for a grade!)

Agenda and Homework for next week will be posted by Saturday night.
In the meantime...
Height Lab Data (including the historic data)

Your Inner Fish....For some people the link in the document (Summer Letter below) opens saying you need edit access.  I think this is because you have your own Google drive and it thinks you want the document, not to just fill it in. In any case, this link seems to be working for everyone.


Note: While there are dates in the plans below they have been added before any of the school functions that might interfere (assemblies etc.) have been scheduled. As such, this agenda is still tentative.

Agenda and Homework updated 8/11/2018

Periods 1, 2, 4

Monday 1-6; T, Th 1, 3, 5; W, F 2, 4, 6

Next week M, W 1, 3, 5; T, Th 2, 4, 6; F 1-6

8/20: Welcome, Introduction, FRQ-1;

8/21, 22: Height Lab Data; Safety, Seed germination start; Texts; Mastering Biology? Statistics; FRQ 2

8/23, 24: Mug shots; Gridded Problem-1; Germination Report; Your Inner Fish – feedback; Big Ideas; Height lab data analysis, Science Process Skills, More-Statistics-Math


Due 8/20/2018: Summer Letter/Assignment   All 3 parts are due before school starts on 8/20. (Links are in the Letter/Assignment pdf file summer-1 on the webpage.)

Due 8/23, 24: Welcome Parent Letter signature

Due 8/23, 24 Reading Assignment #1

Due 8/27, 28 Height Lab

Due 8/27, 28 Reading Assignment # 2

Due 8/31 Reading Assignment # 3


Reading….You should anticipate reading (and mastering the content) of about 10 pages a day. If you are going to your sister’s wedding and will be busy on Saturday, plan on reading 20 pages on Sunday. If you are heavily involved in a sport and can’t focus during the week, plan on reading about 70 pages over the weekend.

After much thought, I’m going to try using OpenStax.org Biology for AP

One issue, the pdf and online version are not exactly the same.  The online version doesn’t have page or question numbers.

I will assign work using the online version, but, will try (no promises) to provide equivalent page and question numbers.

One issue that has plagued my AP Biology class for the last several years is that students do not read the material until just before a test, if at all.

Last year I tried daily reading quizzes.  No one enjoyed this. And, as a result of rampant cheating, their effectiveness decreased.  This year, I’m trying something I’m calling “Be prepared to answer.”

What do I mean by, “Be prepared to answer?”  I mean I will ask random students questions from the text. [Random lists of students will be generated by the computer from the roll lists.] If you can answer “your question,” you get a check, if not a minus. These will be periodically aggregated into an “oral reading quiz” grade.  If you are not in class (unexcused) you automatically get a minus. If you are not in class (excused) you cannot get check mark, but, you don’t get a minus.

Reading Assignment 1-Due Thursday/Friday 8/23, 24

Online: Chapter 1: The Study of Life

Pdf: pages 9-34; Questions 1-23

Make sure you watch the video [Link to Learning] on plant movement

Be prepared to answer: Review Questions, Critical Thinking and Test Prep for AP at the end of the chapter, as well as the questions that are embedded in the text.

Be prepared to define the key terms

Reading Assignment 2-

                Online: Chapter 18 Section 1

                Pdf: pages 719-740

                Make sure you do the [Link to Learning] on bone structures

                Make sure you do the [Link to Learning] on misconceptions

                Be prepared to answer the Review Questions, Critical Thinking and Test Prep for AP at the end of the online chapter section or in the pdf at the end of the chapter, questions 1-10, 25-32 and 42-57.

                Be prepared to define the key terms

Reading Assignment 3-

Online: Chapter 2: The Chemical Foundation of Life

Pdf: pages 41-75; Questions 1-30

                Make sure you do the [Link to Learning] isotopes

                Make sure you do the [Link to Learning] ionic and covalent bonding

                Make sure you do the [Link to Learning] ice lattice

                                And think about why ice floats!

                Make sure you do the [Link to Learning] pH

                Be prepared to answer the Review Questions, Critical Thinking and Test Prep for AP

                Be prepared to define the key terms

Reading Assignment 4-

Online: Chapter 3: Biological Macromolecules

                Section 2.1 Synthesis

                Section 2.2 Carbohydrates

                Section 2.3 Lipids

                Section 2.4 Nucleic Acids

Pdf: pages 87-129; Questions 1-74

                Make sure you do the ALL the [Link to Learning] modules

                                Some of them use flash. You’ll have to allow it to get the full benefit of the animations.

                Be prepared to answer the Review Questions, Critical Thinking and Test Prep for AP

                Be prepared to define the key terms



                Remind - signed in by Friday 8/24 7:00 AM (for a grade)



Be proactive. Be prepared.  You can do the Mastering Biology Assignments ahead of time.  Access to MasteringBiology is probably the most expensive part of your "book."  I can not publicly post our sign-in codes.  The codes will be distributed when I get them

Open Stax Readings
Summer Communications Survey Results
Summer Letter


Some of this is still linked to 2017-18 pages. But, things only change so much....

The first memo I gave you can also be found here: Letter001

Dr.  G.

Campbell Text Correlation:

Highlighted Table of Contents-in the shared folder – YOU WANT THIS


We will probably be transitioning to the OpenStax AP Biology book. (It isn't clear whether the district will continue to support the Pearson book).

The online book-Biology for AP Courses

You can also download a pdf copy. 

There is also a student guide.  Download the guide

2018-2019 Green-Paper-Policy

In an attempt to reduce the amount of paper I can misplace and to reduce the number of trees cut down for my classes I am instituting the following policy.

Each assignment submitted via email or OneNote will earn an extra 1-2 points on that assignment. 

You can’t lose by submitting via email.  The only caveat (warning) is that digital submissions are easier to check for plagiarism.

Revised Curriculum Framework Document from College Board - The most important document related to our course.  (You will need Adobe Reader to open this document).
You can find the schedule as well as lots of other stuff (some of it useful) in the Don't Panic Book.  (always a work in progress, but up-to-date as of June 2018).

ALL Email (HOMEWORK AND CONTACT!) address:  DrG.ATM@gmail.com

Annotated Web Links       

Shared Google Drive folder with previous FRQs and various handouts etc. (Google "Drive") - includes single  file with multiple vocabulary lists, the highlighted Table of Contents to Campbell etc.

For the last few years (2016-18) I posted most of the notes and handouts to OneNote. I can't give you access to those files until you are actually in my class.

REMIND -I encourage you to sign up for text/email reminders via Remind. 

My "sign in" page for AP Biology 2018-19  https://www.remind.com/join/apbio1819   - enter your phone number.

OR- Either text @apbio1819 to 81010 or email apbio1819@mail.remind.com  

(You can sign up for both sms-texts and email.) Please sign up with your real name if it asks... Standard text rates apply. If you use the email option you can leave the subject and body of the message blank.

I wish Dr. Gottfried knew....

OLD-          Campbell Text Correlation:

Highlighted Table of Contents-in the shared folder


Parental email: I may be collecting parental emails in the fall. Pre-emptively if I get an email from your parents (from their email account) I'll give you extra credit in the fall (not really, but, I do prefer communicating by email).

UPLOAD Files (if you can't email them)...this includes pictures:   




Advice From 2015-16 students (along with their scores)
Advice From 2016-17 students (along with their scores)

Comments-Feedback Page

Get college reminds from Ms. Rodriguez
 Text 81010  


Review-Class notes from a student (not one of mine)

Information- Code Red Lock Down

Classroom doors will be immediately locked.
No passes for any reason (bathroom, water etc).
Sit away from the door.
Students in the hall will be brought into the nearest classroom.
Students in open areas should report to the nearest secured area.
Students in bathroom facilities should report to the nearest secured area.
Follow directions of emergency personnel and administrators.
ALL staff and students remain in LOCK DOWN until the ALL CLEAR announcement is made.

Science Fees

$10 Fee/year

If you are taking 2 science classes, you have to pay in each one separately.
If you do not pay, an obligation slip will be submitted, and in order to graduate, leave the school etc, you will have to pay (clear your obligations).

Humor-40+ ways to tell if you've been traumatized by AP Biology (these will be funnier as you survive the course)

What you need to learn for AP Bio (poem)